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After being transferred to the hospital … the health status of the artist, Mohamed Al-Taji

A great case of controversy, was raised about The artist Mohammed Al-TajiDuring the past two days, after his health deteriorated, he was transferred to Ain Shams Specialized Hospital, and he appeared on the hospital bed, the face of a stud, and connected to devices. – And publish Mohammed Al-Taji, In the past hours, a video clip on Facebook, in which his audience reassured his health, thanking those who contacted him and made sure of his health, and expressed his great joy after discovering the love of many of this situation. –

And he said Mohammed Al-TajiIn the video, all this crisis is due to his suffering from sinusitis, and it is caused by a state of semi-permanent insomnia for him, stressing that a large number of members of the Representative Professions Syndicate contacted him, headed by the artist Ashraf Zaki, and the artist Munir Makram, stressing that he did not mean He never annoys his fans, but then he didn’t realize what was going on with him.

This comes after Artist Mohamed Al-Taji posted a photo of him on his Facebook account while he was on the bed in a hospital.

He commented on the photo: “The hours of Nayim Ali Dahri and the interconnected luminaire are woven in the Ain Shams Specialized Hospital, but, praise be to God, the torment is relieved”, without any details of what happened to him.

Echo of the country continued with the artist Ihab Fahmy, a member of the Representative Professions Syndicate Council, to see the artist’s health. He said that it is simple and that the artist Mohamed Al Taji underwent an operation in the sinuses and reassured his fans about him.

The retired artist, Mohammed Al-Taji, was keen to attend the funeral of the late director Samir Seif, from the Virgin Mary Church in Ardh Al-Golf.

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