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After being hit by floods, cities in Australia are shrouded in webs, millions of spiders make nests

TRIBUNNEWS.COM – net paw-paw stretched across the trees and meadows of the Gippsland region, Victoria, Australia.

The gigantic wide net formed after the cities in Australia been hit by a flood recently.

Reported The AgeAfter a flood, millions of spiders evacuate their waterlogged nests to take shelter in trees and plants.

As a result, the net becomes like a thick stretch of silk blanket.

The phenomenon creates a large smooth expanse, which covers the wetlands between the towns of Sale and Longford.

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Senior curator of insect specialists at Victoria Museum, Dr Walker, said, paw-paw used silk wire, like hooks, to lift themselves out of the floodwaters.

“To me, it’s absolutely beautiful. A silk blanket wavy across the vegetation,” he said.

Walker revealed, to evacuate himself, paw-paw those living on the ground need to get out immediately.

They also fled with the nets that were evacuated to the vegetation.

“It also shows literally that tens of thousands, otherwise millions paw-paw, is at ground level,” said Dr Walker.

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