Home » News » After a series of twists, another one left the “Island of 100 Hryvnias” – 2024-10-29 20:17:00

After a series of twists, another one left the “Island of 100 Hryvnias” – 2024-10-29 20:17:00

In episode 26 of “The Island of 100 Rings”, Biljana and Berke faced each other in a game of survival.

The medical student from Stara Zagora won, but then gentlemanly gave his bracelet to 21-year-old Bilyana.

“Anyone want to leave the Island of their own accord and give their bracelets to Berke?” the two hosts asked.

It turned out that Ivan, also known as Chirpansky Ken, wanted to go home to Bulgaria and thus Berke stayed in the game.

“Everyone in this life deserves a second chance. These two young people made mistakes, but they have time to fix them. Whether they will walk hand in hand as lovers or as friends – time will decide.

None of us is without sin. Let the moralists who will condemn all this think about what they were doing at 20 years old. And now what kind of things are they doing,” said the 30-year-old store manager from Chirpan.

He ended his speech by singing his beloved Gloria’s hit “We Ain’t Sinless, But We’re Real.” A large part of the players rose to their feet and sang the song as well.

“I’m put to sleep with Gloria, I’m fed with her, she also contributed to my upbringing… I’m often told that I look like Ken, and the last definition was – the Chirpan Ken from Ali Express,” Ivan admitted upon entering the game.

“Ivan sacrificed himself to keep me in the game. I am very grateful to him! In Bulgaria, I will certainly buy him a sweet pie. And we will further develop our great friendship,” Berke promised.

“I’m leaving happy. My heart remains here with you,” Ivan said at parting with the participants.

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