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After a massive fraud scandal involving hitman “Immo Tommy”! That’s what experts recommend

August 12, 2024, 5:42 pm |
Reading time: 4 minutes

Tommy Primorac, better known as “Immo Tommy”, is currently causing a scandal in the real estate world. According to an investigation by NDR and “Spiegel”, the influencer is said to have deceived his customers when they were buying real estate and thus earned tons of money. What can those affected do now? myHOMEBOOK asked the consumer advice center and consumer lawyer Achim Tiffe.

Junk property and ongoing loans: This is what is happening to several “Immo Tommy” buyers who have fallen for real estate fraud. The influencer is said to have abused the trust of his followers and thoroughly deceived them. This comes from research by NDR and”Spiegel“out.

What happen?

“Immo Tommy” is said to have sold buildings that turned out to be junk buildings, reports NDR and “Spiegel”. But not only that! According to the study, the allegations are even more diverse. It is about renovation work that was promised but not done, about high-risk financing deals and about hidden commissions that are supposed to be collected.

Matching: Beware of fake real estate ads! How to spot fake ads

Who is “Immo Tommy”?

“Immo Tommy” is a famous hitman in Germany and is currently in the media for suspected real estate fraud. On his homepage he even calls himself “Europe’s biggest real estate influencer”. In his videos he gives, among other things, tips for getting started in the real estate business. But now there are serious charges against him. It is said to have deceived many customers.

Have you been affected by real estate fraud? You can do that

If you suspect that you are a victim of property fraud, you should respond immediately, advises Dirk Scobel from the Hamburg consumer advice center: “The first thing I would do is look for a real estate expert who inspects the building. and evaluate it. Then you will find out if what you bought is a real accident. ” If your suspicions turn out to be true, you should immediately find a lawyer. This then takes care of the continuity. That also confirms Consumer lawyer Dr. Achim Tiffe at the request of myHOMEBOOK.

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Dr. Achim Tiffe

a lawyer

Always get a second opinion

“I would always advise getting a second opinion before signing, from someone who is not interested in the contract. For example, when you are financing, you should not only seek advice from the banker or financial advisor, but also talk to the consumer advisory center. When buying a property, it would also be wise to bring an expert or engineer who can assess the condition of the house.”

More on the subject

Expert tips to protect yourself from real estate fraud

The experts provide seven points to protect yourself from real estate fraud.

  1. It is better to just look for nearby properties. 50 to 100 kilometers is appropriate, my Scobel said: “Most of the time you already have a feel and know the area. Then you can go there and look at the building.”
  2. If it is a building with a rental service, it must be clear that this also costs money, the expert explained: “The rental yield would then have to be so high that this can be financed from rental income.”
  3. Scobel emphasizes that you shouldn’t buy a property sight unseen: “At the very least, walk through the property yourself and check out the area around the property.” In this context, Scobel points out that there is also a rule of thumb to keep in mind: “I can imagine you staying there yourself?” If this idea raises doubts, it is better not to invest. Also Dr. Achim Tiffe confirms this statement and says that it is advisable to have a conversation or two with the neighbours. If you are interested in a property, you should take your time.
  4. The next thing Scobel advises is to get a few ideas. You can speak to an independent agent and inspect the property. You should also go to different banks. If they do not offer financing, you should be suspicious and question why the banks see too much risk in the property you have chosen.
  5. If you are planning to buy a property in an owners’ association, you should ask for minutes of previous owners’ meetings. From this you can see if you might face unexpected costs as a result of structural changes that have already been planned, Scobel explained.
  6. Dr. Achim Tiffe explains that you should make sure that everything that seems important is included in the contract: “If someone says that there is no mold here and that the cellar is dry with bone, that must be included in the contract to ensure that. Later, no one remembers who said what. “
  7. When it comes to promises that a property will support itself without investing any equity, you should be skeptical, explained Dr. Tiffe: “Usually that’s not true. If it was that easy, the people he told would do it. “

2024-08-12 15:54:27
#massive #fraud #scandal #involving #hitman #Immo #Tommy #experts #recommend

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