Home » today » News » After a four-day search at sea, a drowned 19-year-old was found in Latvia – News

After a four-day search at sea, a drowned 19-year-old was found in Latvia – News

The young people went swimming, despite the fact that there was a yellow warning sign on the Blue Flag beach about dangerous waves, so swimming is not recommended. 100 meters from the shore, both young people realized that the sea washes them deeper, one of them had managed to reach the shore on their own, and the other was washed deeper into the sea.

Vincents Vilks, senior rescuer of Ventspils Municipal Police Rescue Service, says to ReTV News: “We didn’t notice. The other guy who came with him came to us. He ran to the second tower and said he had gone swimming with a friend, but his friend had been pulled under the wave and was unable to get out. And he himself has barely come out to shore. ”

Rescuers immediately went to the scene, but from the shore there was no sign of misfortune. Already on the same day, several services were involved to find the young man washed up at sea as soon as possible.

Dace Andersone, Acting Chief of Ventspils Municipal Police, tells ReTV News: “The municipal police inspect this shoreline, which is 1,200 meters, and carry out surveillance work. Of course, the primary priority for us is to ask any swimmer who has come here to relax. ”

In the first three days, the prevailing wind indicated that the young man could have been washed towards Jūrkalne, but today, as the wind changed, it was predicted that the young man’s body could be washed back on the beach of Ventspils Blue Flag or even on the Staldzene side. The Coast Guard, the State Border Guard, the National Guard, the State Police and the NAF Air Force also took part in the search, which today searched the young man again by helicopter.

Jevgēņijs Hatkevičs, NAF Air Force Aviation Squadron Captain: “The helicopter has an infrared camera that can distinguish the temperature difference if the body has not cooled down completely. We move about 50-100 meters above the water. We look visually from above and also with an infrared camera. If there is any heat and it can reflect, we will see it for sure and the infrared cameras will see it. ”

Rescue operations were also complicated by the troubled sea and strong winds. Today around At 16:30 the young man’s body was found and handed over to the State Police.

Rescuers want to draw everyone’s attention to the need to be careful, especially in August and September, when the sea is most turbulent. There are five lifeguards on the Blue Flag beach every day and residents have to follow the warning signs that are displayed on all entrance footbridges.

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