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After a 16-hour flight, the passengers find themselves back at the starting point

Several dozen plane passengers experienced disappointment when, after a 16-hour long flight, they arrived not at their destination, but back at the place from which they departed, reports “UPI”.

The plane took off from New Zealand and was supposed to go to New York.

The flight was long, about 16 hours. Much to their surprise, when the plane landed, the passengers realized that they had returned to the starting point.

“Air New Zealand” airline company comments on the unusual situation. As it turns out, about eight hours after the plane took off from the airport, the pilots received a message that it was impossible to land at the New York airport because of an accident there. A fire broke out, causing a huge power outage. The first terminal where the plane was supposed to land was closed.

The airline together with the pilots made the decision to return to New Zealand.

According to the airline’s representative, diverting the plane to another US airport was not possible. “Diverting to another US airport would mean that the plane would remain on the ground for several days, affecting several other regular services and customers,” the airline’s representative told the “New Zealand Herald” newspaper.

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