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After 6 months, Governor Chatchart Nida surveyed 18-year-olds, how satisfied are they with the results?

After 6 months, Governor Chatchat Nida surveyed 18 year olds with a total of 81.53% quite satisfied – very satisfied, ranked as 38.93% very satisfied because the results are clear, dedicated and 42.6% quite satisfied because they work diligently.

On Dec. 4, reporters reported that “Nida Poll” Opinion Polling Center, National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA) reveals public survey results on “6 Months Governor Chatchat” The survey was conducted between 25 and 30 November 2022 among eligible voters aged 18 and over in Bangkok. area coverage
All 50 districts distributed across all levels of education, occupation and income for a total of 1,500 sample units. As for the work in the first 6 months of the Governor of Bangkok Dr Chatchart Sitthiphan

According to the survey, when asked about the views of Bangkok residents towards work in the first 6 months of Bangkok Governor Dr. Chatchart Sitthiphan on various issues as follows

1. Increasing green areas, public parks for example, 39.07% said it was very good, followed by 36.40% said it was quite good, 13.33% said it was not very good, 9.13% said it was not very good and 2.07% said there was no information.

2. Tourism promotion in Bangkok For example, 40.54% said it was quite good, followed by 38.13% very good, 11.33% not very good, 7.53% not very good and the 2.47% for nothing.

3. Sports support for example, 38.40% said it was quite good, followed by 34.87% that it was very good, 14.60% said it was not very good.
9.00% said it was not good at all and 3.13% said there was no information.

4. Solving cleaning, garbage, dust, waste water problems 39.73% of the sample indicated that it was quite good, followed by 33.13% who said it was very good.
16.40% said it was not very good, 9.87% said it was not very good and 0.87% said there was no information.

5. Solving flood problems For example, 34.87% said it was quite good, followed by 31.80% very good, 18.93% not very good, 13.40% not very good and from 1.00% no information.

6. Service improvement in Bangkok departments. For example, 40.40% said it was quite good, followed by 29.53% very good, 16.00% not very good, 9.67% not very good and 7.67% not very good . 4.40 indicates no data.

7. Improving and organizing pavements, such as hawker stalls, parking vehicles or setting up shops on pavements, for example, 41.13% said it was good enough, followed by 29.27% ​​said said it was very good, 16.07% said it was not very good, 10.53% said it was not good at all and 3.00% said there was no information.

8. Improvement of landscapes, roads, lanes, alleys For example, 41.33% said it was quite good, followed by 29.20% very good, 18.07% not very good, 10.27% not very good and from 1.13% no information.

9. Solving Health/Public Health Problems For example, 42.67% said it was quite good, followed by 25.33% very good, 17.93% not very good, 10.54% not very good and 3.53% no information.

10. Organization of assemblies: 37.80% said they were quite good, followed by 24.53% very good, 17.33% not very good, 16.54% not very good and 3.80% not has information.

11. Crime prevention and create safety to life and property such as lighting, CCTV, security system
Safety: 39.13% of the samples were quite good, followed by 24.40% very good, 21.54% not very good, 12.33% not very good and 2.60% with no data.

12. Solving bribery and bribery issues in Bangkok departments For example, 30.60% said it was quite good, followed by 23.87% very good, 21.60% not very good, 16.06 % not very good and from 16.06% not very good. 7.87 indicates no data.

13. Education Development Solve problems with children and youth For example, 38.47% said it was quite good, followed by 22.13% very good, 20.20% not very good, 12.13% said it was not very good and 7.07% said there was no information.

14. The development of public transport such as trains, boats for example, 42.13% said it was quite good, followed by 21.87% said it was very good.
18.07% said it was not very good, 10.60% said it was not very good and 7.33% said there was no information.

15. Solving traffic problems and jams, for example, 44.60% said it was good enough, followed by 21.00% who said it was not very good, 18.40%
indicated it was very good, 14.13% said it was not very good and 1.87% said there was no information.

16. Organization of homeless people, homeless people, beggars, for example, 39.13% said they were quite good, followed by 25.60% not very good, 16.87% very good, 14.07% not very good and by 4.33% not at all.

17. Solving cost of living/stomach issues For example, 32.26% said it was not very good, followed by 31.40% that it was quite good, 20.40% that it was not very good, the 10.07% that it was very good and 5.87% that there was no information.

Finally, when asked about Bangkok residents’ satisfaction with their job in the first 6 months by the Governor of Bangkok, Dr. Chatchart Sittipunt found that the sample 42.60% declared themselves quite satisfied Because he is diligent and determined to work. See the change for the better. Bangkok and on-site troubleshooting, followed by 38.93% said they were very satisfied Because there is clear work have dedication to work and went to the area to listen to people’s problems, 10.54% said they were not satisfied because the results were not clear Solving problems not on point did not see a change for the better and 7.93% said they were not satisfied at all because they could not follow the aforementioned policy. and still unable to solve the original problems such as floods, traffic problems

1.1 Do you think working in cycles 6 How was Bangkok Governor Dr. Chatchart Sitthiphan’s first month?

point comment together
Very good pretty good not well it’s not good at all no information
1Increase green areas, public parks 39.07 36.40 1.33pm 9.13 2.07 100.00
2Tourism promotion in Bangkok 38.13 40.54 11.33 7.53 2.47 100.00
3Sports support 34.87 38.40 14.60 9.00 3.13 100.00
4Solving cleaning, garbage, dust, sewage problems 33.13 39.73 16.40 9.87 0.87 100.00
5Flooding troubleshooting 31.80 34.87 18.93 1.40pm 1.00 100.00
6Improved service in Bangkok departments 29.53 40.40 16.00 9.67 4.40 100.00
7. Improvement and organization of pavements such as hawker stalls, vehicle parking or setting up shops on pavements. 29.27 41.13 16.07 10.53 3.00 100.00
8. Improvement of landscapes, roads, alleys 29.20 41.33 18.07 10.27 1.13 100.00
9. Solving health problems/public health 25.33 42.67 17.93 10.54 3.53 100.00
10. Organization of the assembly 24.53 37.80 16.54 17.33 3.80 100.00
11. Crime prevention and create safety to life and property such as lighting, CCTV, security system 24.40 39.13 21.54 12.33 2.60 100.00
12. Solving corruption issues in Bangkok departments. 23.87 30.60 21.60 16.06 7.87 100.00
13. Education Development Solve the problems of children and youth 22.13 38.47 20.20 12.13 7.07 100.00
14. The development of public transport such as trains, boats 21.87 42.13 18.07 10.60 7.33 100.00
15. Solving traffic problems and traffic jams 18.40 44.60 21.00 14.13 1.87 100.00
16. Organization, homeless, homeless, beggars. 16.87 39.13 25.60 14.07 4.33 100.00
17. Solve cost of living/stomach issues 10.07 31.40 32.26 20.40 5.87 100.00

2. Overall, you are satisfied with the work done. 6 Bangkok governor first month Dr Chatchart Sitthiphan or not?

the satisfaction ofBangkok peopleKeep onworking in cycles 6 first month
by the Governor of Bangkok, Dr. Chatchart Sittipunt
quite satisfied Because he is diligent and determined to work. I saw the change for the better in Bangkok and fixed the problem on the spot. 42.60
very satisfied Because there is a clear work have dedication to work and go to the area to listen to people’s problems 38.93
not satisfied why the results are unclear Troubleshooting not on point I have not seen a change for the better 10.54
not satisfied at all because the policy cannot be followed. and still unable to fix the original problems like flooding issues
traffic problems
together 100.00

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