Home » today » World » After 34 days of absence, Daniel Ortega reappears without plan to face a coronavirus pandemic in Nicaragua | News from El Salvador

After 34 days of absence, Daniel Ortega reappears without plan to face a coronavirus pandemic in Nicaragua | News from El Salvador

The president did not provide details of his absence and regarding the coronavirus pandemic, he said that the country is facing the crisis with the few resources available.

The President of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, reappeared on the national chain after an absence of more than a month, in the midst of a health crisis due to the new coronavirus.

Ortega appeared without a specific management plan for the coronavirus pandemic. He stated that he will not declare a national quarantine, or suspension of classes or work. Ortega also hinted that he will not take into account the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO). He only said that the country will face the pandemic with limited resources, with “patience.”

“We face the pandemic with our limited resources, with a lot of patience, with a lot of discipline ”, explained Ortega.

He also offered words of solidarity and condolences for the families that are being affected by the pandemic, reported the La Prensa portal.

“It calls us to solidarity and the unity of the peoples of the world,” said Ortega.

The president also questioned that even developed countries are the most exposed and that there is nothing that can block the virus.

He went on to say that the effect of the pandemic has been addressed in an orderly manner and that Nicaragua follows the necessary international recommendations but which are applied according to the country’s reality.

He announced that Ortega would address the nation made by his wife and vice president, Rosario Murillo.

“In the afternoon (Wednesday) Commander Daniel will be talking to us (…) We will be accompanying him in a conversation, a communication on the first day of formal work,” said Murillo.

ORrtega, 74, has not had a public presence since March 12, when he participated in a virtual meeting with his colleagues from Central America to discuss actions to face the coronavirus pandemic.

Nicaragua reports only 9 positive cases of COVID-19, including one deceased and has not applied disease containment measures such as quarantines or border closures.

Rather, the government promotes marches, fairs and sports activities, against the call for social distancing suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO).

This is not the first time that Ortega has disappeared and then appears as if nothing had happened. During the crisis generated in April 2018, the same thing happened when Nicaraguan citizens rebelled against their mandate, eleven years old at the time, in the same way that they had also disappeared for two weeks, in February 2014.

Ortega has only been seen twice in recent months: on February 21, when he appointed General Julio César Avilés as Chief of the National Army for the third consecutive period, and on March 12, when he participated in the virtual meeting of presidents and heads of State of the Central American Integration System (SICA), where the regional response to the pandemic was discussed.

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