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After 2 years without dialogue with the supervisory authorities, unions opt for escalation

During its weekly meeting held remotely on Thursday, December 17, the national office of the national education union (SNE) under the banner of the Democratic Confederation of Labor (CDT), focused on the national and educational situation in Kingdom, thus announcing a sit-in Tuesday, December 22 at the headquarters of the Ministry of National Education in Rabat.

The reason for this escalation comes after the end of the dialogue between the Ministry of National Education and the Education Union, says Abdelghani Raki, General Secretary of the National Education Union affiliated to the Democratic Confederation of Labor. (CDT).

« We have not sat at the dialogue table with the Minister of Education since February 25, 2019. It has been almost two years. And during these two years, other problems appeared precisely because of the lack of dialogue. In addition to more than 23 claims of employees in the education sector who are already awaiting resolution on the minister’s table since well before the end of the dialogue ”, entrusts the trade unionist to Hespress Fr.

Even the claims files for which the guardianship had made promises have not been resolved, continues Raki, lamenting that “The ministry of national education did not keep its commitments”. The trade union center had sent a correspondence to the head of government, Saad Dine El Otmani on this subject but also to the Minister of National Education, Said Amzazi, assures our source but no response was given to them in return. “It’s radio silence”, he said.

This whole situation has created a certain ” congestion among civil servants in the national education sector ”, regrets the trade unionist, who notes that “mDespite the many strikes that we have observed, and the sit-ins that we have organized in front of the administrative council and the AREFs, no reaction has been shown from the minister. We therefore only have this option of escalation, namely the holding of a demonstration in front of the headquarters of the Ministry of National Education in Rabat. And if they open the doors of the ministry we will protest inside ”.

Regarding the 23 cases still on stand-by, mentioned by Raki, there are some that have been more or less resolved, and others whose supervision has promised the final resolution through ministerial decrees but still nothing, while others, already debated during previous meetings, have still not seen a return from the ministry.

Thus, in a letter dated November, the two union branches demanded the immediate regularization of the late financial situation of the various educational categories as well as financial compensation for remote areas and housing. Accelerate the opening of a serious and responsible dialogue which leads to the establishment of a fair and equitable basic statute, and the integration of so-called teachers ” contractual », Are also pressing demands on the side of the two unions.

They also ask their supervisory authority to finalize all outstanding questions from professionals in the sector so as to ensure responses to fair and legitimate requests from education workers of all categories (technical assistants, assistants). administrative s, teachers known as cell 10, non-scale….).

In this context of pandemic, and given the latest decisions of the ministry qualified as ” thoughtless “And” irresponsible “By professionals in the sector but also by parents of students, the two union branches” refuse the policy of headlong flight adopted by the government and the supervisory management under the pretext of a pandemic, and demand an end to the unilateral management by the Ministry of National Education and the resulting panic which risks to increase with the increase in cases within schools ».

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