The documentary “To My Nineteen-Year-Old Me” has caused controversy in recent days. The incident triggered another Hong Kong documentary “KJ’s Music Life” in 2009. The protagonist Huang Jiazheng wrote an article on social platforms in response. “KJ Music Life” was directed by Zhang Jingwei, filmed for 6 years, and recorded the growth process of Hong Kong music genius Huang Jiazheng. At that time, the film received excellent reputation when it was released, and won the Best Documentary, Best Editing and Best Sound Effects in the “46th Golden Horse Awards”. However, Huang Jiazheng pointed out in the article that he had expressed his refusal to film at the time, and opposed the director’s inclusion of family affairs in the documentary more times. The incident caused harm to him and his family. Regarding the incident of “To Me at Nineteen”, he thinks he has more right to speak than anyone else.
once refused to shoot
“KJ Music Life” records the details of Huang Jiazheng’s life at the Diocesan Boys’ School from the age of 11 to 17, and the growth process of playing abroad. The documentary also describes his mentor Luo Naixin’s enlightenment to him, portrays the conflicts between classmates and siblings, and the love between father and son from caring to gnashing of teeth. Huang Jiazheng wrote a nearly 10,000-character long article on his social page yesterday with the title “You are the protagonist of your life”, recalling the shooting situation that year. He pointed out that because he had a bad relationship with his father at the time and the family relationship was tense, he once refused to shoot, but because of the sincerity of the director, he finally agreed and accepted the interview.
After finishing the interview, Huang Jiazheng expressed to the director that he did not want certain shooting scenes to be included in the film, thinking that it would hurt his relationship with his family. Although the director and everyone present agreed, he did not expect to learn from his friends that there was a segment in the documentary that he did not want to expose, so he contacted the director many times, expressing that he did not want family affairs to appear in the film, but the other party replied only A very small part also refused to let him see the edited clips, even when the film was painted, he did not see the official version.
Huang Jiazheng later told the director that if the clip is made public, the consequences will be “out of control, I can’t turn back. I will be homeless and have no money to study.” The other party responded: “Hey! Good job! Huang Jiazheng , do you think I have too much time to spend with you at IKEA? I think it’s about time that the relationship between you and your old Dou comes to an end.”
The alma mater has not been notified of the special broadcast
Huang Jiazheng said that he had put pressure on various relevant people and even sought help from people with legal backgrounds, but the director was “unmoved” and he did not participate in any promotion. “This drama is out, what effect will it have on me? My prophecy has come true For three years, my entire house was ruined and I was homeless.” He believes that the director’s success is “at the expense of my clearly expressed wishes, and he wants to edit every bit of his work to the best in his mind. “Huang Jiazheng also mentioned that when the film was broadcast in his alma mater, he did not receive any notice. In the end, he went directly to the school to be a “special mystery guest at the special screening of my documentary”. Zero communication. He said frankly that he only wanted to try his best to prevent the film from broadcasting his family affairs, but he failed, so he had to face it alone in silence. In the past 14 years, he has been tortured, and he has not asked the director for compensation or apology for many years. The film producer is benevolent, and he also works hard to mend the relationship with his family.
Message to Girls in “To My Nineteen-Year-Old Me”
Finally, Huang Jiazheng sent a message to the girl in the film “To the Nineteen-Year-Old Me” from the air: “Never be defined by your past self, let alone define who you are because of other people’s attention and opinions. Be true to yourself Your life will only be defined by yourself and lived out by yourself.”
Zhang Jingwei did not respond
On the other hand, director Zhang Jingwei thought that it had been many years, so he didn’t plan to respond to Huang Jiazheng’s long article, because he didn’t want to attract attention. Huang Jiazheng mentioned in the article that he met Zhang Jingwei again more than ten years after the documentary was broadcast. Zhang Jingwei admitted that the two parties had an appointment to drink tea to reminisce, and described the atmosphere of the meeting as pleasant. Regarding the discussion of documentary in the public, he thinks it is a good thing, and he is willing to share the ethics of documentary in an academic form, but it is not appropriate to comment now, because he is afraid that it will add fuel to the fire, because there are many troubles in today’s society.
Originally published on AM730 After 14 Years-2009 Documentary-KJ Music Life-Protagonist Huang Jiazheng Explodes Director Zhang Jingwei to Ignore Appeals/360667?utm_source=yahoorss&utm_medium=referral