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African nuns renew the evangelization of Catholics

The Pontifical Foundation Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) will support the mission of two nuns of African origin who were praised by the Archbishop of Santiago de Cuba for renewing the work of evangelization in the archdiocese.

On April 21, the pontifical foundation reported that the Archbishop of Santiago de Cuba, Archbishop Dionisio García Ibáñez, revealed that although 70% of the population in the region are baptized Catholics, only about 1% attend Holy Mass. and has an active role in the life of the Church.

The Prelate explained to ACN that the experience of the faith has been deteriorating due to many years of atheism, a severe economic crisis and other factors. In this sense, she thanked the work of so many priests and nuns who carry Christ in the midst of this context, among them the work of two nuns of African origin.

Bishop García has “the highest regard for his work [de las monjas]. In this country, subjected for decades to an atheistic and socialist government and still suffering a serious economic crisis today, both their support for those in need and their work in proclaiming the faith are of vital importance, “said ACN.

The nuns are from Uganda and Kenya and belong to the Missionary Congregation of the Evangelizing Sisters of Mary (ESM), founded in 1975 in Uganda and whose headquarters are in Kenya.

ACN recalled that during his apostolic visit to Uganda in 1969, Pope Paul VI affirmed that “now the African people should be their own missionary”, and that “the establishment of this congregation was one of the fruits of this new understanding”.

The nuns came from East Africa to Cuba in 2015; they settled in the city of Palma Soriano, Archdiocese of Santiago de Cuba, located in the extreme south of the island; and since then they assume the mission of awakening the faith of Catholics.

They are in charge of 15 communities located in rural areas, where “they give catechetical instruction to children, youth and adults; they help the needy, care for the frail and elderly and support the families in the area, “said ACN.

“Today many African priests and religious are working as missionaries, not only in their own continent of origin, but also in many other parts of the world,” ACN noted.

For this reason, the pontifical foundation, thanks to the donation of the faithful and people of good will, contribute to sustaining the work of many priests and religious in mission areas such as the island of Cuba, where poverty abounds. This time, ACN promised to donate 2,000 euros next year to support the work of the two African nuns.

Translated and adapted by Cynthia Pérez. Originally posted on ACI Africa.

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