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“African Ministers Gather in London for World Education Forum and Discuss Common Challenges and Solutions”

African Ministers of Education gathered in London at the World Education Forum. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss common challenges in education in Africa, such as financing, governance and teaching methods, as well as to share best practices in education management.
The forum was co-chaired by Dr. Cheikh Oumar ANNE, Minister ofEducation national of Senegal, and Hon. Ezekiel MachoguMinister ofEducation Kenya, advocated for the establishment of an African Education Forum. A meeting of african for Education which Kenya has offered to host the first edition in February 2024.
During this meeting, the African ministers expressed their support for the initiative by offering several contributions and suggestions for its success. They underlined the need to take into account linguistic diversity and to define an agenda nourished by particular problems of education, to examine the existing mechanisms, to put in place mechanisms for peer review, to define objectives short term…
Also, the Ministers also stressed the importance of organizing and coordinating efforts to solve the problems of education in Africa. They all subscribed to the idea of ​​Dr. Cheikh O. ANNE that it is crucial to take into account global changes and the future educational needs of students. By adapting the curricula to include STEM skills and by improving school infrastructure, African states can better prepare students to succeed in the ever-changing world of today and tomorrow.
It should be noted that this first meeting of African ministers of education laid the foundations for an African education forum which will meet regularly to address the challenges facing education in Africa. This forum offers a unique opportunity to find concrete solutions to improve education in Africa and foster a better future for all African citizens.
On this occasion, the African Ministers of Education stressed that issues relating to education in Africa must be discussed and resolved by Africans themselves, rather than by external actors. This meeting was therefore an important step towards greater autonomy for Africa in the management of its education system and in improving the future of its citizens.


2023-05-12 16:09:59
#Cheikh #Oumar #ANNE #World #Forum #London #account #global #future #students #education

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