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Afinia’s investments are noticed

With the development of different investment projects, Afinia continues to renew the obsolete electrical infrastructure it received and which has completed its useful life, gradually optimizing the quality of service offered to customers in the departments of Bolívar, Cesar, Córdoba, Sucre and the 11 municipalities of Magdalena where it operates.

The company has established an investment plan in the order of 4 billion pesos whose execution goal is the year 2025.

Since its entry into operation in 2020 until the end of 2022, Afinia has made investments of over 1,195 billion pesos, overcoming years of lag and supporting the development of the Region with a safer, more reliable and quality service. quality.

The investment made by Afinia in its two years of operation is higher than that made in the last 10 years by the previous energy operator.

Within the investment plan, the company has built 4 electrical substations in the departments of Córdoba, Bolívar and Cesar, 28 new circuits, has extended approximately 2,382 kilometers of new networks, installed 2,964 distribution transformers (in neighborhoods or localities); and has installed and renovated 30 power transformers in electrical substations.

The service transformation challenge continues in 2023, the year that Afinia begins with the development of important projects such as the expansion and construction of the Mompox, Sahagún, Sampués, Tamalameque, Gambote, Talaigua Nuevo and Candelaria substations. Just as it advances the replacement of structures in high voltage lines that interconnect the departments of Bolívar, Cesar, Córdoba and Sucre.

This is how you really save energy

-Get the most out of your fan.

Clean it constantly, disassemble its blades and remove the dirt that accumulates, this will make it work better and not strain, which makes it consume less.

If you have knowledge, take it apart and grease it, this will help the fan to work much better and not consume more energy. If you don’t have knowledge, find a qualified person.

That the bill does not scare you with the phantom consumption.

Phantom consumption is what electrical appliances produce when they are plugged in, even if we are not using them.

Microwaves, televisions, fans and a large number of household appliances generate phantom consumption, so it is best to disconnect them if you are not using them.
So you really save.

-Are you one of those who leave the cell phone charging all night or connected after it is already 100% thinking that it does not consume energy?

Let me tell you that it is not like that, a 100% charged cell phone consumes energy while it is connected.

On average it consumes 1.5 to 2 watts. It doesn’t seem like much, but if you multiply it by all the days you leave it connected, it will represent extra consumption on your bill.

How much energy does a TV use when it’s turned off?

A 55-inch television turned on uses an average of 150 watt hours.
But when you turn it off and leave it plugged in, it’s going to draw an average of 5 watts.


-200w ceiling fan: eight daily hours of use per month represents a consumption of 48kwh/month.
-Air fryer: 1 daily hour of use per month consumes 45kwh/month.
-Blender: 1 daily hour of use per month is equivalent to a consumption of 13.5kwh/month.
-Clothes iron: the use of 5 weekly hours represents a consumption of 23,4348kwh/month.
-Hair iron: half an hour of daily use per month consumption 22.5kwh/month.
-Microwave oven: 1 hour of daily use per month is equivalent to a consumption of 36kwh/month.
-Air conditioning minisplit 9000 btu: 8 daily hours of use per month represent a consumption of 134.4kwh/month.
-Washing machine of 10 – 15 kilos of 542w: using it for 5 hours a day per month leads to a consumption of 89kwh/month.
– 90w portable computer: using it 6 hours a day per month is equivalent to 16.2kwh/month.

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