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Afghanistan – The “empty” plane:

– The empty plane is the very picture of the government’s betrayal of Afghanistan, says Red leader Bjørnar Moxnes.

On Friday, the first Norwegian evacuation aircraft from the Afghan capital Kabul landed at Oslo Airport. On board were Norwegians seeking security after the Taliban took power in the country, among them TV2 correspondent Fredrik Græsvik.

Saturday morning landed a new Norwegian aircraft from Kabul.

– Closes the door

But on Friday it attracted attention then photos from inside the plane showed many empty seats. It has caused more people to react, not least after the scenes from Kabul airport where thousands of people have tried to climb on and cling to military planes on their way out of the country.

Red leader Bjørnar Moxnes believes the government should make sure to fill the plane with Afghans who have worked for Norway and others who need protection.

– Former employees of the Norwegian defense who are on the Taliban’s death lists have since June begged the government to get out before the Taliban takes over, Moxnes claims.

The Prime Minister of the Government Erna Solberg has promised to evacuate local employees who have worked for Norway from the war-torn country.

– The plane is empty because the right-wing government deliberately closed the door to the Afghans who begged for help and handed them over to the Taliban, Moxnes says.

He emphasizes that he believes that it is absolutely crucial to get Norwegian citizens who want out, to safety as quickly as possible.

-Spinning spin

Prime Minister Erna Solberg tells Dagbladet that the problem is getting people to the airport in Kabul.

– What is difficult now is to get people to the airport from those we are going to pick up. It is being worked on. There is no shortage of planes in Kabul to fly people out. What is missing are the people who are ready to be taken out.

– The main challenge with not getting people to the airport is because it is difficult to get them to and from the airport in terms of security, Solberg explains.

The Red leader snorts at her portrayal.

BACK: The plane with several Norwegians who have been in Afghanistan must have arrived in Norway at Gardermoen 08.19. Video: Magnus Paus / Dagbladet.
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– The excuse that Norway can not help more because it is the Taliban that controls access to the airport to Kabul, is a disclaimer at worst.

– The government has had many weeks to get those who have worked for the Norwegian state, women activists, religious minorities and people who were wrongfully forcibly deported from Norway and others in need of protection, as Rødt has demanded, Moxnes continues.

Erna Solberg is not impressed with the attack from Moxnes. She thinks it’s empty rhetoric.

– It is the Taliban that now has control in Kabul. It has nothing to do with any betrayal. This is spin-wild spin from Bjørnar Moxnes.

– Never takes responsibility

In its party program, Red is very critical of NATO and the US military. The party also wants Norway must leave the pre-war alliance we have been a part of it since its inception over 70 years ago.

Moxnes believes the desperate situation in Afghanistan is a new example of what happens when Norway participates in operations with them. He believes it is happening on false premises.

– The politicians who drag Norway into war with promises of democracy, stability and human rights, never take responsibility when it fails and always leave the victims to themselves, Moxnes concludes.

Evacuated Afghan children

At a press conference on Saturday afternoon, Foreign Minister Ine Marie Eriksen Søreide confirmed that Afghan children have been on Norwegian planes from Kabul.

– These are children who have stayed for some time at the Norwegian field hospital in Kabul. In a very extreme situation, we chose to evacuate for the sake of the children, Søreide said.

The children are taken care of by the child welfare service and Bufetat, she states. They also receive health follow-up. Søreide will not comment on the extreme situation, the children’s age, or how many it is about.

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