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Afghanistan is getting more and more tense, the second largest city is now in the hands of the Taliban


Taliban captured Afghanistan’s second and third largest cities. The action has put further pressure on the embattled government just weeks before the end of the US military mission in Afghanistan.

Reported from Associated Press, Friday (13/8/2021), the two big cities are Kandahar and Herat. The seizure of the two major cities has become a force for the Taliban, who have seized 12 of Afghanistan’s 34 provincial capitals as part of a week-long offensive.

The seizure of the city of Ghazni, meanwhile, cut off a key highway linking the Afghan capital, Kabul, with the country’s southern provinces. These attacks are part of an insurgent push some 20 years after US and NATO forces invaded and toppled the Taliban government.

Kabul itself has not been directly threatened by the power Taliban. However, defeats and fighting elsewhere have tightened the grip of the Taliban uprising that is expected to control more than two -thirds of the country and continue to suppress their attacks.

With security rapidly deteriorating, the United States plans to send 3,000 troops to help evacuate some personnel from the US Embassy in Kabul. Separately, Britain said around 600 troops would be deployed in the short term to support British nationals leaving the country.

Thousands of Afghans have fled their homes amid fears that the Taliban will again impose a brutal and repressive government, stripping women of their rights and carrying out public amputations, stonings and executions. Peace talks in Qatar remain at a standstill, despite diplomats meeting throughout the day.

Recent US military intelligence assessments suggest Kabul could come under insurgent pressure within 30 days and that, if current trends persist, the Taliban could gain complete control of the country within months. The Afghan government may eventually be forced to step down to defend the capital and just a few other cities in the coming days if the Taliban maintain their momentum.

The onslaught represents a stunning collapse of Afghan forces and renews questions about where the more than $830 billion spent by the US Department of Defense fighting, training those troops, and reconstruction efforts is going – especially as Taliban fighters drive American-made Humvees and pickup trucks. with the M-16.

Watch the video ‘Taliban Raids Kunduz Province, Governor’s Office-Police Headquarters Taken Over’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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