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Afghanistan. From the President’s flight to the chaos of the airport, the story of the last 24 hours

To better understand what is happening on Monday August 16 at Kabul airport in Afghanistan, here is the summary of the main events since the arrival of the Taliban on Sunday in the Afghan capital.

Follow what is happening in Afghanistan in our live from Monday August 16

In ten days, all the other big cities

On Sunday August 15, the Taliban arrived at the gates of Kabul, at the end of a lightning offensive that began in May thanks to the withdrawal of American and NATO forces. They seized all the other big cities in ten days, without meeting any great resistance.

“The Islamic Emirate orders all its forces to wait at the gates of Kabul, not to try to enter the city”said Zabihullah Mujahid, a spokesperson for the Taliban, on twitter, as insurgent fighters were seen by residents in a remote suburb.

Interior Minister Abdul Sattar Mirzakwal promises in video message “A peaceful transfer of power to a transitional government”.

President Ashraf Ghani calls on the security forces to ensure the “Security of all citizens” by maintaining public order in Kabul.

Insurgent spokesman Suhail Shaheen told the BBC: “We want an inclusive government […] which means that all Afghans will be part of it. “

Panic seizes the capital

The international community is worried: Pope Francis calls for « dialogue », NATO to “A political solution to the conflict, which is more urgent than ever”.

Russia is working with other countries to hold an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council.

Panic takes hold of the capital: shops are closing, people are trying to withdraw their money from the banks.

Foreign countries are hastily organizing the evacuation of their nationals and Afghans who have worked for them.

Afghan president leaves the country

In the evening, Former Vice President Abdullah Abdullah announces Afghan President Ashraf Ghani has left the country.

“The Islamic Emirate orders all its forces to wait at the gates of Kabul”, first announced on Twitter Zabihullah Mujahid, a spokesperson for the Taliban.

Then he specifies that they are authorized to enter the areas of the capital abandoned by the Afghan army, to maintain order.

Television footage shows the Taliban entered the Afghan capital and seized the presidential palace.

“The Taliban have won”

In a Facebook post, Ashraf Ghani says he fled his country to avoid a ” bloodbath “ and recognizes that “The Taliban have won”.

He does not say where he is but Afghan media group Tolo suggests he visited Tajikistan.

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres calls on Taliban and all other Afghan parties “With the greatest restraint”.

A human tide rushes to the airport, the only way out of the country.

Thousands of people try to flee the country

Videos on social media show scenes of utter chaos on Monday, thousands of people waiting on the tarmac itself, and people clinging to the gangways or stairs of planes, and even a military plane taxiing before the lift-off. The American forces come to fire in the air in an attempt to control this crowd.

Commercial flights are canceled to and from Kabul. At the request of Afghanistan, international companies suspend the overflight of the country, while a series of military planes, mainly American, evacuates diplomatic personnel and local employees.

Germany plans to deploy up to “Several hundred soldiers” to protect its evacuations.

A videoconference meeting of EU foreign ministers is scheduled for Tuesday, August 17.


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