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Afghanistan, Conte: “My words on the” close dialogue “with the Taliban exploited for political ends by those who praise the Arab Renaissance”

“In front of humanitarian disaster which is underway in Afghanistan, where the most basic are in danger fundamental rights, it is shameful that in Italy there are those who play to exploit facts and statements for sinister ends of political controversy“. The president of the 5-star Movement Giuseppe Conte responds in a hard post on Facebook to media attacks who have targeted him in the last twenty-four hours, after Wednesday evening he argued for the need for “close dialogue” with the Taliban. Not only: “The controversy – underlines the former prime minister – comes from the exponents of that same political force that praised the “Arab Renaissance” and who faithfully maintained that the path that was taking place in Afghanistan was resolutive e error free“.

That is from Italy alive, the party of Matteo Renzi, whose exponents immediately launched violent attacks on Conte. For Gennaro Migliore the need for dialogue he underlined is “a insult to those who are suffering, to those who are hiding, to those who flee ”, while for Luciano Nobili the former prime minister, “like his guru Travaglio, believes in the tale of the good Taliban”. The president of Iv Ettore Rosato tweets: “Luckily Mario Draghi will preside over the G20 on behalf of the Italian government”, same line of Raffaella Shirt: “Conte’s latest statements on Afghanistan are yet another proof that it was worth it. We all really feel calmer that Mario Draghi is managing this international crisis. And not Casalino & co “. But what did Conte say to earn a whole day of controversy? Speaking at the presentation of a book, he stressed the need to deal with the new regime “which appears, at least in words, from some signs that they must all be understood, on a fairly relaxing attitude “.

A rather neutral reconstruction, but enough to send the Renzians into a rage, to which Conte now responds with clear tones. “In reality – he writes – it is now a priority that Europe and the entire international community become promoters of humanitarian corridors to safeguard the life of those who are in danger at this moment ”. At the same time it is absolutely necessary that the whole international community expresses one compact pressure (I understood this, when in the context of a more articulated political reasoning, I spoke of “close dialogue”) on the Taliban so that they are forced to accept conditions e guarantees for the recognition and protection of the fundamental rights and freedoms of the population. The weapons – he concludes – they failed and at the moment no other avenues are expected if we do not want to abandon the Afghan population to itself. And now we must make use of all the tools useful to achieve this goal. The 5 Star Movement is committed to this, we leave the crude political controversies to others ”.

To complicate the internal debate to the 5 stars, however, a post on the founder’s blog also arrived in the evening Beppe Grillo, who published a long paper by Torquato Cardilli, former Italian ambassador to Albania, Tanzania, Saudi Arabia and Angola. Who criticizes the “wicked policy, absolutely devoid of political, economic, social advantages, costing 64 fallen victims, 700 injured and 8 billion stolen from the development of the country “, carried out by” the whole supply chain of prime ministers by Berlusconi, Prodi, Monti, Letta, Renzi, Gentiloni, Conte, Draghi always supported by presidents Ciampi, Napolitano, Mattarella and made operational by the following of foreign ministers, true yes men, from Frattini, Fini, D’Alema, Bonino, Alfano up to Di Maio“. A reference, the latter, which cannot go unnoticed.

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