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Affordable Sunscreen: Prevent Skin Cancer without Breaking the Bank


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© cc-photo: hjl

Skin cancer is the most common and fastest growing form of cancer. In 2022, the dreaded disease was diagnosed in 23,300 people in the Netherlands. The main cause of cancer is excessive exposure to UV rays from the sun and/or tanning beds. There are two ways to prevent the disease. The first is to stay out of the sun as much as possible and otherwise cover the skin. If this is undesirable or inconvenient, sunscreen can be used. Then – contrary to what most people do – you have to lubricate a lot and often.

One problem with applying sunscreen is that sunscreen is pricey. At the drugstore, most 200 ml bottles cost around 20 euros or more. The Irish Cancer Foundation is therefore calling for a price reduction. A survey among Irish people commissioned by the health organization shows that 7 out of 10 people find protective creams far too expensive. 1 in 10 respondents therefore refrains from applying sunscreen. In Ireland, the disease is found even more often than in the Netherlands, about 13,000 cases per year in a population of 5 million. Experts say that number could double by 2040.

The price reduction can also offer society a financial benefit. Skin cancer is easy to prevent but difficult to cure. The Irish Journal quotes a victim who is now undergoing long-term treatment. “Sunscreen can be very expensive, especially if you want to keep your kids safe in the sun. In the past I’ve used it sparingly because I wanted a bottle to last longer. If we want people to protect their skin we need to make it cheaper .”

According to the Cancer Foundation, it is undesirable that protection against skin cancer is a privilege for the affluent class because of the cost. Especially now that prices have risen sharply due to inflation. The foundation advises to use sunscreen from April to November. The average adult needs 35 ml to protect the entire skin. The application must be repeated every two hours. There is not always a clear relationship between them price and quality.

According to doctors, 90 percent of cases can be prevented by adequate protection. Skin cancer is rarely fatal if caught early enough, but the treatment is painful and the disease is accompanied by deformities.

2023-08-04 12:45:28
#Call #high #sunscreen #prices #lowered #fight #increasing #skin #cancer #Joop #BNNVARA

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