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Affected are the following federal states, cities, and institutions.

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Von: Anika Zuschke, Vivian Werg

As soon as the last Verdi strike is over, the next one comes along. On Tuesday and Wednesday, some institutions in Germany will stop working again.

Berlin – The Verdi union is dissatisfied with the working conditions for public sector employees and has made this very clear with repeated calls for warning strikes. Only last Friday (March 3) did Verdi paralyze local public transport in several federal states – and announced the next wave of strikes for Monday (March 6), Tuesday (March 7) and Wednesday (March 8). Which federal states and cities are affected and which facilities are on strike.

Another Verdi strike: which federal states will be affected from Monday

Many users of public transport will have noticed the warning strike on Friday on their way to work – after all, buses and trains in six federal states were at a standstill. Verdi’s warning strikes will continue from Monday, but in other areas. Hospitals and city cleaning in particular, but also individual daycare centers, are said to be affected by the strikes. You should be prepared for restrictions in public service in the following federal states:

  • Baden-Wuerttemberg
  • Bayern
  • Berlin
  • Hesse
  • North Rhine-Westphalia
  • Saxony

Verdi strike in Baden-Württemberg starting Monday – clinics are also downing their work

In Baden-Württemberg it applies to information from the German Press Agency (dpa) according to the city of Mannheim. There, the city administration, the city space service and city drainage, the national theater and other departments and companies are on strike. In the city of Filderstadt, a rally is also to take place in front of the town hall.

As the badish newspaper reported, Verdi has also called on the employees of the district clinics to go on a warning strike. All four clinic locations in Lörrach, Rheinfelden and Schopfheim are affected. The strike in the four hospitals is to take place between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. – but according to the district clinics, emergency care is guaranteed during this period. However, planned operations are postponed. There will be strikes in these Baden-Württemberg (district) cities and municipalities from Monday:

  • Aichtal
  • Filderstadt
  • Municipality of Neuhausen auf den Fildern
  • Municipality of Wolfschlugen
  • Loerrach
  • Mannheim
  • Rheinfelden
  • Schopfheim

Verdi in Bavaria calls for a strike: in which cities restrictions are to be expected

Also in Verdi strikes will take place in Bavaria at the start of the week. In the southern German state, the union called, among other things, the workforce of hospitals and public utilities, in some cases also street cleaning or garbage disposal, to warning strikes, as announced by the Bavarian Verdi district association in Munich.

According to the, Verdi Oberpfalz resigned for the independent city of Amberg Bavarian radio also renewed warning strikes in the public sector from Monday. Augsburg is also jumping on the train: On Monday, the city’s employees in the departments of finance, schools and education, culture, security and order, sports and pools, economy and in the mayor’s department are to pause their work.

Also a Clinic in Bavaria is said to be affected by the warning strike be. Again BR reported, Verdi called on the employees of the Aschaffenburg-Alzenau clinic to stop working from Monday. In this case, too, an emergency service agreement was concluded between Verdi and the two hospital locations. According to a Verdi spokeswoman, no major warning strikes are planned for Lower Bavaria in the next week.

Verdi public sector warning strike. © Fabian Sommer/ dpa

Berlin is taking part in the Verdi strike: what is planned from Monday

In Berlin, residents of the state capital will also have to adapt to restrictions in public service from Monday. Verdi has called on the employees of the Berlin city cleaning and water works for Monday and Tuesday, March 6th and 7th, 2023 to all-day warning strikes. On these two days, employees from Vivantes, Charité and the Jewish Hospital will stop working. Verdi calculates out loud dpa with about 1000 striking hospital workers.

In addition, employees of the Berlin city cleaning department, the student union and the University of Applied Sciences are taking part in the warning strike on both days. On Monday, the employees of the Berlin baths stopped their work. Strikes were also planned for Monday in federal agencies, the Bundeswehr and the water and shipping administration. On Tuesday, employees of the German pension insurance and the Federal Employment Agency (regional directorate, employment agency and job center) in Berlin as well as employees of the Annedore-Leber vocational training center and the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation will also take part.

Verdi strike in Hesse and NRW: which facilities in the federal states are affected

In Hesse, the union initially “only” called the employees of the Gießen-Marburg University Hospital to warning strikes on March 6 and 7, 2023. The striking health workers want according to the dpa discussed their demand for a collective agreement on both days at the hospital council in the Gießen congress hall.

On International Women’s Day (March 8), Verdi is calling on workers in the social and educational services for a nationwide industry strike and day of action. There will be nationwide warning strikes in municipal facilities and departments of social and educational services in NRW. On this day, rallies and actions as part of the warning strikes will take place in over 15 cities, to which several thousand participants are expected.

So far, Verdi has hardly announced any strikes in North Rhine-Westphalia. Focus reported about isolated daycare center strikes on Monday, which are said to affect three daycare centers in Cologne – but on Wednesday, March 8, 2023, all other daycare centers in the city should follow suit.

North Saxony and Leipzig: Buses will stop on Monday due to the Verdi strike

Meanwhile, northern Saxony will be hit a little harder. There, the regional bus company “Nordsachsen Mobil” is to be on strike as part of the collective bargaining until March 8th. The employees of the bus company “Regionalbus Leipzig” are also laying down their work for three days.

The following cities and regions are according to the dpa affected by the warning strikes starting Monday:

  • Bad Duben
  • Delitzsch
  • Eilenburg
  • Krostitz
  • Leipzig
  • oh darling
  • Torgau

On Tuesday and Wednesday there will be a strike in Dresden’s savings banks, sports facilities, the Heinrich Schütz Conservatory and in-house IT operations. According to Verdi, significant restrictions on the 189 municipal day care centers are to be expected. Employees in the Dresden City Hospital should also stop working on Wednesday. Planned operations can therefore be cancelled.

According to the, public transport in the districts of Leipzig and northern Saxony is at a standstill MDR in the period of time almost completely. Even the school traffic could not be maintained on the days. (Anika Zuschke)

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