Home » Health » Affari Tuoi Matteo accepts the Doctor’s offer and loses everything: the move that changed the race

Affari Tuoi Matteo accepts the Doctor’s offer and loses everything: the move that changed the race

Last night’s match played by the pacifier Matteo kept the general public in suspense Your business: Here’s what happened.

In an evening full of emotions and twists, Your businessthe famous early evening game show on Rai 1 hosted by Stefano De Martino, featured a truly special competitor.

Affari Tuoi, Matteo’s match decided by the Doctor – Lecodellitorale.it / Credits: AnsaFoto.it

Matteo, known to the public as Ben Affleck for his resemblance to the American actor, left his usual role as a tacky man to step into the shoes of the player, bringing with him not only hope but also the contagious enthusiasm that characterizes the program .

Your businessMatteo’s match

Originally from Savona but active in Milan in the video and music sector, Matteo brought not only his talent but also a piece of his personal life to the stage of the program. Accompanied by his grandmother Adriana, a regular guest on his visits to Milan, he faced the challenge with determination and a good dose of initial luck. Selecting Liguria parcel number 16 as his starting point, Matteo embarked on an adventure that saw him open parcels from all over Italy.

The first six shots showed Matteo being lucky and strategic. From the opening of parcel 20 from Lombardy containing zero euros up to the surprising parcel number 11 from Sardinia with 100 thousand euros. Then following with more modest but equally important figures to keep interest and tension high.

The key moment came with the first phone call from the doctor who put Matteo to the test by offering him 39 thousand euros – an offer promptly rejected by the competitor in search of a more substantial win. The subsequent decision to accept the change proposed by the doctor turned out to be a crucial point in the match: exchanging his package with the number 17 of Valle d’Aosta, Matteo found himself having to manage the consequences of his choices under the watchful eyes of the public.

Your business Affari Tuoi, the disappointment of Matteo and his grandmother at the end of the race – Lecodellitorale.it / Credits: Raiplay.it

Despite the doctor’s subsequent offers and the opened packages with increasingly variable figures – among which the 30 thousand euros from Trentino Alto Adige and the surprising 200 thousand euros from Molise stand out – Matteo continued on his path by rejecting substantial economic proposals in favor of the unknown represented by his own package.

The match ended in a way that was as dramatic as it was educational for anyone who dreams of big ad wins Your business. After having rejected the last offer of 50 thousand euros hoping for a higher sum, Matteo discovered that in his package there were 300 thousand euros – a sum that could have changed his life but which will remain one of the many “ifs” that populate the stories of the show’s contestants.

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