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AfDB Provides $ 2 Million in Emergency Aid in Support of WHO Measures to Control the Pandemic in Africa

The African Development Bank (AfDB) Board of Directors approved on Tuesday the disbursement of $ 2 million in emergency aid to the World Health Organization (WHO) , to strengthen its capacity to help African countries control the COVID-19 pandemic and mitigate its effects, according to an AfDB press release, a copy of which reached our office.

The donation, which responds to an international call from WHO, will be used by this global organization to empower regional member countries to prevent, quickly detect, analyze, control and treat cases of COVID-19.

It is one of several Bank interventions designed to help member countries fight the pandemic, which, although slow to arrive in Africa, is spreading rapidly and imposes constraints on already fragile health systems.

Specifically, the WHO Office for the African Region will use the funds to build the capacity of 41 African countries to prevent, test and treat cases of infection.

The WHO Office for Africa will also strengthen surveillance systems, supply and distribute test kits and laboratory reagents, and support coordination mechanisms at the national and regional levels.

This donation “will enable regional member countries to put in place solid containment measures within 48 hours of confirmation of individual cases of COVID-19, and also to support the WHO Africa Regional Office in the dissemination of information and community awareness, ”said the representative of the Bank’s Human Capital, Youth and Skills Development Department.

This donation is a contribution to the $ 50 million WHO Preparedness and Response Plan, also supported by other partners, including the United Nations System.

It is estimated that Africa will need several billion dollars to cushion the impact of the disease, while many countries are desperately trying to contain the disease through emergency measures, including the imposition of commercial isolationism. Factories around the world have been closed and workers sent home, disrupting supply chains, trade and travel, and leading many countries to recession.

The Bank Group is expected to unveil a financial assistance program that will allow governments and businesses to take flexible measures to reduce the economic and social impact of this pandemic.

Last Thursday, the Bank raised an exceptional $ 3 billion through a three-year social bond loan which will help alleviate the economic and social effects of the pandemic. What constitutes to date, the largest social loan denominated in dollars launched on the international capital markets.

Jean-Jacques Jarele SIKA / Les Echos du Congo Brazzaville

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