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AfCoDD IV-2024 in Maputo (Mozambique): “We need to raise awareness among men and women, which is an essential part of the continent’s development process,” says Jason R. Braganza. | www.l-integration. com – INTEGRATION

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PH: DR: Jason Rosario Braganza, AFrodAD Executive Director

Jason Rosario Braganza, Executive Director of AFRODAD (African Debt and Development Forum) explains here why we are talking about pan-African feminist perspectives and alternatives.

(Maputo, Propos reccueillis: Aline ASSANKPON)

When we talk about debt and public finances, we talk directly to men and women are left to one side. Although it is very important to include women in public management. We often believe that they do not know about it. While they represent more than half of the African population and they are the ones who own the stock markets of some African economies. “

In the case of agricultural production, for example, they are found throughout the production chain: from production to marketing through processing. But we always think of men. “It is time for women to regain their rightful place in our African society. They make wealth and even create jobs. When calculating the GDP of countries, the productive activity of women is not taken into account, even though they are mostly heads of households and provide education to their children.

In addition, Jason invites women to step up when it comes to investing. Because they also invest in all areas of human activity, especially in terms of maternal health and hygiene. “This is valid for young girls who face the cost of hygiene products and spend more than their budgets. Women suffer acts of discrimination in services. “ he pointed out.

The general aim of this conference, which puts women in the orbit of exchanges, is to make men aware of the reality of women. Women must be considered throughout the development process and access to natural and financial resources, especially access to credit. “And when we talk about the public debt, the payment ​​​​or repayment ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ who are affected because they represent more than 50% of the population”.

Talking about the effective commitment of men to support women, Jason believes that women suffer too much discrimination. Reason why, at this conference, men and leaders of state and non-state organizations, parliamentarians involved in the campaign to restore the image of women: she who is the mother of humanity and the foundation of local, national, regional and even continental development. . “We must therefore tell men that women and men must be an integral part of the continent’s development process.” This will improve their economic situation, and thus economic justice for women which is one of the aspects addressed in the work.

Very often the texts that fight for women are developed by men without women. This needs to change; We now have to involve women in the development of texts because we cannot make anyone happy without their effective participation. She is the best person to talk about her needs for empowerment and claim her rights in terms of economic and social justice. Women must be included in decision-making bodies so that their voices are heard.

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