Oh guys, it’s BROWING in Brandt Corstiusland (about half of the media country and exactly the places you goddamn DON’T want to be) and this time it has nothing to do with Jelle Brandt Corstius who has been geijsvandamned. No, it’s about Aaf Brandt Corstius, almost as handsome as Jelle, but slightly less feminine. Aaf had a successful podcast with table lady Marc-Marie Huijbregts, but that suddenly broke down. Gossip Naturally. Now our best digital friend we never met is gossiping – Yvonne Coldeweijer – that Gijs Groenteman jiped outside the door with Jip van den Toorn from De Volkskrant. Jip van den Toorn, also known as one of the ‘culture makers’ who, together with Mariëtte Hamer, must ensure that ‘the social debate on transgressive behavior gets going’. Apparently cheating isn’t one of them. Anyway, according to Yvonne, Aaf didn’t like it at all that Groenteman offered his carrots to Jip van den Toorn. So she left the house and was temporarily allowed to live with her podcast buddy Marc-Marie. Of course two bitches under each other went completely wrong and now those two have quarreled, and ‘Weer een Dag’ by Groenteman & Van Roosmalen is apparently also on break. Guys what a fight, suspense & intrigue!
2023-04-26 15:05:15
#GeenStijl #Gijs #Groenteman #jipped #door #MarcMarie #Huijbregts #Aaf #quarreled