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Advisors to George Forsyth in the effort not to lose leadership

George Forsyth’s most trusted group is intensifying its work to find how to block the fall of the presidential candidate in the polls. The announcement of not receiving funds from the ONPE (National Office of Electoral Processes) to publicize his application was a gesture aligned with this attempt.

Those who have been close to him for a long time ratify the preponderance of his influence over Forsyth given the concern about a possible decrease in the preferences of the citizens, as different opinion studies had shown.

Long-term friends

The businessmen Renzo Navarro Maurtua and Daniel Alfaro Angulo, friends and partners of Forsyth, constitute a triangle of trust with the candidate. Several decisions are usually driven by the agreement of all three.

Navarro, also dedicated to entertainment and security businesses, had the company GRT Seguridad y Control with Forsyth. In addition, he was an advisor to the Municipality of La Victoria when the current candidate for the country’s presidency was in charge. They are so confident that they treat each other by calling each other ‘cousins’, even though they are unfamiliar.

Alfaro also had a company with the former mayor: Alianza de Inversión, dedicated to the manufacture of clothing with the G&F brand, by the initials of the current candidate.

He has been friends with Forsyth since school days, but took another path. He studied Management in Australia and when he returned he started business, including producing clothes under the brand of his famous friend. Then, until last August, he stayed with his family’s company, an important clinical equipment firm that has ventured into offering tests to detect Covid-19.

Key specialists

This triangle of trust generally requires the political gaze of attorney and consultant Roberto Rojas Montes, an operator and advisor very close to Forsyth. Before that, he was the leader of the Peru Posible party from 2007 to 2014: national secretary for Youth, Legal Affairs and Organization. With this political group, he ran for regional president of Lima in 2010 and for Congress the following year, without success.

This time, Rojas was also going to be a National Victory candidate for the Andean Parliament, but the Electoral Jury did not accept his registration due to the deadline.

Attorney Jorge Barriga provides legal advice for the campaign. He was a lawyer for the Municipality of La Victoria and for several Forsyth projects.

Publicist Abel Aguilar, experienced in political communication, is key in Forsyth’s gear. He has collaborated with the campaigns of Mario Vargas Llosa, Luis Castañeda and Susana Villarán, among others. For Pedro Pablo Kuczynski he created the PPKuy and then he went to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

In recent years, Aguilar was an advisor to the Municipality of La Victoria, for Forsyth.

Administrator Yanina Abanto, who was the municipal manager of La Victoria with Forsyth, remains close to the leader. In addition, she is the only one from that environment of the former mayor who has assumed a position in the party: she is the national secretary of the Youth of National Victory.

Congressman Rennán Espinoza, a former member of the Somos Peru caucus, brings his political experience. He has been mayor of the Puente Piedra district of Lima, twice a member of parliament and leader of Perú Posible. Encourage outreach to local leaders.

The sociologist Jorge Nieto, head of the list for Congress for Lima, gains more space with the presidential candidate. As president of the Good Government Party, who failed to register on the National Elections Jury, and former Minister of Defense and Culture, he has a journey that is valuable for the candidate for the Palace.

The technical team, led by the economist Jorge Chávez, sets the course for the proposal. Forsyth seeks to balance it to his popular profile.

The impulse of the father and the additions to the team

Harold Forsyth, Peruvian ambassador in Tokyo, prominent diplomat and former congressman, is an important supporter as a father and politician. Some collaborators of George Forsyth came to him because of his relationship with the father.

The diplomat Luis Chuquihuara, former representative of Peru before the Organization of American States (OAS) and former secretary general of the presidency in the governments of Alejandro Toledo and Ollanta Humala, was close to Forsyth when he was mayor and at the beginning of the project to run for president .

Roberto Rojas, former leader of Peru Posible, would be on this side. He joined the campaign for mayor of La Victoria and a year ago asked the JNE to reserve the name Victoria Nacional for a new party. They failed to form it and went on to National Restoration, which they have renamed.

George Forsyth’s team.

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