Advice, ideas, tourist information and weather forecasts for Rennes.
Discover our Hourly weather forecast for Rennes for today and tomorrow. In terms of temperatures, they will range between a minimum of 11°C and a maximum of 22°C. Today in Rennes, The first rays of the sun will arrive at 07:21.
Good news, the sky will be generally clear with beautiful clearings this morning. The temperatures will be correct, just sufficient to wear short sleeves. Expect a 14km/h breeze blowing in a northwesterly direction.
The sky will be gray during the day but it should not rain. The announced temperature will be 20° Celsius.
Clearings are expected between 6 p.m. and midnight, so you will have a lovely time. It will be 15 degrees.
The sun will set at 8:52 p.m.
Plan to take an umbrella in the morning tomorrow so as not to be surprised by the many showers. It will be good (17 degrees). A South-South-West breeze will blow at 16 km/h. The day will officially start tomorrow at 07:22 in Rennes.
The weather will remain unchanged in the afternoon with showers. As for the temperatures, they will be around 22°C. You can go out in light clothing. A strong West-South-West breeze will blow at 22 km/h.
On our dedicated site, you can consult more precise data on the weather tomorrow hour by hour in Rennes. The 15 day weather forecast in Rennes is also accessible as well as predictions for this weekend in Rennes. You can also consult the weather in the department (Ille-et-Vilaine).
2023-08-30 01:40:21
#Weather #Rennes #forecast #Wednesday #August