Lego and Nintendo are releasing the Adventures with Luigi starter set in the Lego Super Mario series on August 1. The pack includes a Luigi figure that, like the previously released Mario variant, has a small LCD on its stomach and makes sounds.
From Luigi-starterset consists of 280 building blocks. This creates a course that can be covered with the figure. Luigi’s Lego version reacts to the different parts of the course to collect coins and interact with other figures, such as pink Yoshi, Boom Boom and the Bone Goomba.
Luigi has a color sensor, an LCD and a speaker. The figure works on two AAA batteries. The starter set is equivalent to the Mario set released last year and also fully compatible with all expansions of the Lego Super Mario series. Lego sells the starter set for a suggested retail price of 60 euros. The set can already be ordered, but will not be delivered until August 1.