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Advantages of learning languages ​​with virtual classes – Education – Life

Sometimes, staying away brings us closer to better results, as is the case with language learning online. This is one of the many remote activities whose boom has exploded due to the pandemic of the covid-19.

The pandemic has changed the way language classes were taught, going from a face-to-face model in academies and schools to an online model. According to Ana Aránguez Díez, director of marketing in Europe of the global Italki language learning community, in a stage like the current one, in which the job offer decreases and the number of candidates for a position increases, “mastery of a foreign language it is one of the most demanded skills to stand out among job applicants, promote a professional career and access a higher salary ”, he points out.

In this context, the new online teaching formats offer a more affordable, comfortable and flexible way to learn or improve the knowledge of a language from anywhere in the world, according to Aránguez.

Custom classes

The platforms manage private online classes arranged by native students and teachers and graduates of more than 130 languages. One receives the lesson, and the other imparts it from their respective homes through communication channels. video communication like Skype or Hangouts, favoring interaction and linguistic immersion.

“This personalized learning system focuses on the needs and capabilities of each student, unlike the conventional face-to-face system, where all students follow the same rhythm, marked by the teacherregardless of their individual difficulties or skills, ”he explains.

He adds that this type of personalized classes taught by native teachers “immerse students students in idioms and the culture of the language in the context of real-life scenarios and conversations that allow us to really understand the essence of a foreign language ”.

(Also read: Learn to speak a second language from home with these apps)

Virtual learning

Aránguez explains that the e-learning (teaching-learning through the internet) has grown exponentially during 2020. “In fact, 98% of educators think that interactive video will be essential in the future, and 60% of students believe that learning online helps them develop a wealth of social skills. In addition, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in education is expected to grow 48% by 2022, according to data from Ed Tech Review, ”he points out.

According to Online Business School, the global e-learning market had an annual growth of 7.6 to 9.6% in 2020 and has been increasing.

The Online training offers a solution to those people who do not have easy access to learning, due to lack of time or economic resources, and to those who want to access job opportunities in other countries through the telecommuting, which has exploded with the pandemic.

Whether it is to continue professional training, prepare exams, language certificates or a curriculum vitae in another language, the director considers that it is important to take advantage of the confinement by learning or improving the command of a second language. “The learning virtual it has the same benefits as the face-to-face, and even more. This is due to two key reasons: because in the online mode progress is made much faster since the student obtains a greater degree of personalization and flexibility at the time of taking the classes ”, points out Aránguez.

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students can choose when and how to study, learn at a personalized pace, advance according to the goals that are set with the teacher

“When using a computer or tablet with access to internet, students enjoy a great level of comfort to study from home, and by not having to travel to educational centers save money and time that they can take advantage of to dedicate themselves to the study fully ”, says the specialist.

And he adds that thanks to these digital tools, students can choose when and how to study, learn at a pace personalized, advance according to the goals that are set with the teacher and receive training according to their individual needs with greater dedication. In addition, the director indicates that no matter where the student connects from, they will always have the possibility of finding teachers available to reinforce some point 15 minutes before a exam, clearing up doubts or just talking.

To access the online learning, The user registers on the platform, chooses the teacher that best suits their needs, objectives and budget, and then establishes with this professional the objectives, dynamics, content and timetables of the classes, which are taught virtually.

Advantages of learning languages ​​online

  1. Affordable prices– Options that fit your budget and needs.
  2. Flexible schedule: possibility to organize your time.
  3. More comfort: With the help of any device with internet, you can study from home.
  4. Study where you want: learn from anywhere in the world.
  5. More extensive training possibilities: you can spend more time on other studies.
  6. Custom content: access to personalized content, the professional adapts to what you as a student need, and not the other way around.
  7. Custom model– With the help of digital tools, you can study and progress at your own pace and meet with the teacher.
  8. Promotes active participation: ease of exchanges between you and the teacher.
  9. Develop self-discipline– Having an online teacher waiting exclusively for you will help you maintain discipline and get results.

Platforms and apps to learn languages ​​online

There are multiple options for those who want to learn a language online. These are some:

Classgap, Memrise, Rosetta Stone, Duolingo, Hello Talk, Rype, Babbel, Busuu, LyricsTraining, Speaky, Lingua.com, Lingvu, Hi uTandem, Ello.org, Preply, OLA, LyricsTraining, Ororo.tv, Breaking News English, Superprof, BBC Learning English, British Council, Mansión de Inglés, Autoenglish, Papora, HiNative, Grupo Vaughan.


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