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Advancing Quantum Technology: Detecting Atomic ‘Breathing’ and Manipulating Light Emissions

Title: Researchers at the University of Washington Discover Atomic “Breathing” for Quantum Information Encoding and Transmission

Date: June 19, 2023

Researchers at the University of Washington have made a groundbreaking discovery in the field of quantum technology. They have successfully detected atomic “breathing,” which refers to the mechanical vibration between atom layers. This finding has significant implications for encoding and transmitting quantum information.

The team of scientists achieved this breakthrough by observing the specific light emitted by atoms when they are excited by a laser. This atomic “breathing” phenomenon can potentially be utilized to encode and deliver quantum data. The ability to detect and manipulate these atomic vibrations opens up new possibilities for the development of quantum technologies.

In addition to their discovery, the researchers have also created an integrated device that can manipulate both atomic vibrations and light emissions. This device serves as a new building block for quantum technologies, which are expected to revolutionize fields such as computing, communications, and sensor development.

The findings of this research have been published in the prestigious journal Nature Nanotechnology. The study highlights the use of “optomechanics,” a field that explores the intrinsic coupling of light and mechanical motions at the atomic scale. This coupling enables the control of single photons through integrated optical circuits, paving the way for various applications.

Lead author Adina Ripin, a doctoral student of physics at the University of Washington, explains that the research aims to establish a reliable framework for creating, operating on, storing, and transmitting quantum bits or “qubits.” Photons are an ideal choice for transmitting quantum information due to their ability to travel at the speed of light with minimal energy loss.

The researchers focused on studying excitons, quantum-level quasiparticles, to create a single photon emitter or “quantum emitter.” By placing two thin layers of tungsten and selenium atoms, known as tungsten diselenide, on top of each other, they were able to generate excitons. These excitons consist of a negatively charged electron and a positively charged hole tightly bonded to each other.

During their experiments, the team made an unexpected discovery. The tungsten diselenide atoms were emitting another type of quasiparticle called a phonon. Phonons are a product of atomic vibration, similar to breathing. The two atomic layers of tungsten diselenide acted as tiny drumheads vibrating relative to each other, generating phonons. This is the first time phonons have been observed in a single photon emitter within a two-dimensional atomic system.

The researchers found that each photon emitted by an exciton was coupled with one or more phonons. This coupling was represented by equally spaced peaks in the spectrum of the emitted light. The phonons had a significant effect on the optical properties of the emitted photons, providing a new avenue for controlling quantum information.

To harness the potential of phonons for quantum technology, the researchers applied electrical voltage and observed that they could vary the interaction energy between phonons and emitted photons. These variations were measurable and controllable, offering promising opportunities for encoding quantum information into single photon emissions.

The team’s next step is to build a waveguide, which will catch single photon emissions and direct them to their intended destinations. They also aim to scale up the system to control multiple emitters and their associated phonon states. This advancement will enable quantum emitters to communicate with each other, a crucial step in building a solid foundation for quantum circuitry.
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What potential applications can arise from the integration of optomechanics and quantum technology in the development of practical quantum devices

Tum particles formed by the binding of an electron and a positively charged “hole” in a semiconducting material. By manipulating the excitons, the team was able to observe the atomic vibrations and measure their properties.

This discovery opens up new possibilities for quantum information encoding and transmission. The ability to detect and control atomic vibrations can enhance the efficiency and accuracy of quantum communication systems. It provides a promising avenue for developing quantum computers, as well as secure quantum communication networks.

Furthermore, the integrated device created by the researchers enables the manipulation of both atomic vibrations and light emissions. This integration of optomechanics and quantum technology is a significant step towards building practical quantum devices. It paves the way for the development of quantum sensors with unprecedented sensitivity and resolution.

The research conducted by the team at the University of Washington adds to the growing body of knowledge in the field of quantum technology. It contributes to the understanding of fundamental quantum phenomena and provides a foundation for further advancements in quantum information science.

Overall, the discovery of atomic “breathing” and the development of the integrated device hold great promise for the future of quantum technology. With continued research and innovation in this field, we can expect to see significant advancements in computing, communications, and sensing capabilities in the coming years.

1 thought on “Advancing Quantum Technology: Detecting Atomic ‘Breathing’ and Manipulating Light Emissions”

  1. This innovative research in advancing quantum technology through detecting atomic ‘breathing’ and manipulating light emissions opens up fascinating possibilities for groundbreaking developments in various fields. Exciting times ahead!


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