It was recorded today, Sunday 9 May, a new episode of Men and women. Protagonist Giacomo Czerny and the two suitors Carolina Ronca e Martina Grado. The young tronista is approaching the choice and has made an important decision. To provide us with the previews of what happened in the episode IlVicoloDelleNews.It:
Giacomo sat in the center of the studio with Carolina e Martina. It started with the external of Carolina. Atmosphere composed of heart-shaped lighted candles, they were sitting in the center with a blanket. They were very close, she reiterated that she felt love for him, she is perhaps almost ready even for a NO by telling him that with him she learned to love without being reciprocated, without hearing the same words from the other, before she was afraid of this. , now he has won. They were very close, however it goes she is happy with what they have experienced together, she told him.
With Martina we saw his shadow behind a lighted wall, him in front. A video has started where she told him that she is taken by him and wants to live it outside. She gave him her house keys to signify that she is giving him the keys to her heart. The gesture was strong and important and made him hear the song by Mengoni Venus and Mars. They hugged, they were close and he told him that he learned so much from this experience and from her too.
In the studio he said he was still at a critical point so he decided to spend a full day with both of them before choosing because he needs to experience both a little more. So next week there will be his choice.
And you are curious to find out who will be between the two suitors, the choice of Giacomo Czerny?