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Advances in Stem Cell Therapy: Living to 120 Years Becoming the Norm


Until now in history there has only been one person who has officially lived more than 120 years. However, doctor and cardiologist Ernst von Schwarz said that living to 120 years of age could be achieved more easily, starting from this decade.

He believes that advances in stem cell messages can far exceed human expectations. He argues that humans living to the age of 150 will become normal by the end of the century.

Von Scwarz also added that humans who live for hundreds of years will not only be passive individuals, but will also become active individuals who can participate in social and professional life and have a healthy quality of life.

“In recent years, we have moved from what we called reactive medicine to what we now call regenerative medicine, mostly using stem cell therapy,” explained von Schwarz, quoted from NY PostMonday (25/9/2023).

“Even though stem cells are not approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), this is the future of medicine where we can repair damage. And by repairing damage, we can extend life, or even reduce certain aging processes,” he continued.

A large number of clinical trials are being conducted but so far the FDA has only approved one therapy, namely for blood cancer patients. According to him, stem cell therapy is the most important discovery in modern medicine.

“Stem cells can repair arthritic knees, can regrow hair, and repair some damage to the brain,” he said.

“One injection takes less than half an hour with no recovery time, compared to surgery,” he continued.

Stem cells are the body’s ‘stem cells’ which can become blood, skin, hair and any part of the body. Naturally stem cells are responsible for body regeneration.

Von Schwarz even used it himself to treat his arm and shoulder pain due to nerve degeneration. Two years later, he admitted that he had no symptoms at all after having one injection.

A complicated problem arises from the problem of obtaining stem cells obtained from biological tissue. Stem cells are usually obtained from placental tissue, umbilical cord blood, and Wharton’s jelly.

“After the baby is born, this material is usually thrown away, and the laboratory purchases the material,” he said.

“That’s not allowed in this country. And from an ethical point of view of course I would never consider that,” he continued.

Stem cells cannot work alone. He reminded that 30 years of age is the time when people must start changing their lifestyle. Starting from eating healthy food, to exercising regularly.

“We know that lifestyle modifications and reducing risk factors such as high blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes can reduce deaths from cardiovascular disease by up to 90 percent and prolong life,” he concluded.

Watch the video “Doctors Warn About Beauty Creams Containing Stem Cells”


2023-09-25 10:33:12
#Scientists #Find #Humans #Live #Years #Findings

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