Advances bet 1231 from A life from Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19 August 2021: Unnerved by Felicia Pasamar’s insinuations, Marcos seems to want to leave Acacias.
Read also: Una Vita advances: GENOVEVA condemned or acquitted? The verdict of the trial for Marcia’s death
Laura is very thoughtful towards Felipe, which however seems to create discomfort for the lawyer.
After the night at the boardinghouse, Rosina gets up in a black mood and only food seems to calm her down.
To convince Josè Miguel not to leave Acacias, Bellita tries to scare him by pointing out all the dangers they might encounter. But the man now seems to have decided!
Jacinto tries to make peace with Marcelina, but things get even worse.
Ramon seems willing to accept Armando’s proposal.
Genoveva puts pressure on Laura and forces her to ally with her. Later, her lawyer announces that she can be free.
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