Bellita / A life (photo by Mediaset)
Advances bet 1210 of A life of Saturday 17 July 2021: Camino visits Maite in prison and tries as best he can to reassure her, without however talking to her about Felicia’s blackmail. However, the young Pasamar then returns home extremely disheartened, finding some consolation in Cesareo.
Read also: One Life advances: FELICIA will have an annoying suitor, that’s who he is!
Ildefonso announces excellent news to Camino: he has convinced the washerwoman to withdraw the complaint filed against Maite.
All Acacias are anxious about the health of little Moncho, Lolita’s son.
Bellita decides to talk to José Miguel to clarify, but then she sees him kiss the young Julio on the cheek on the cheek. Whatever the case, José Miguel has now decided to tell his wife the truth.
Cesareo sees a lady veiled in black and thinks it may be Genoveva.
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