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Advancement and management of the Botanical Garden of Bogotá

With the planting of about 7,100 trees in public and private spaces, the maintenance of 363 thousand more, among young individuals and adults, the control of pests and diseases and the control of risk, the Botanical Garden of Bogotá progresses in meeting the goals defined in the District Development Plan “A New Social and Environmental Contract for Bogotá in the XXI Century”.

In addition to the comprehensive management of plant cover, the improvement of 143 thousand square meters of gardens with activities such as pruning, comprehensive soil management, irrigation, replanting, fertilization and grass cutting, mainly in the towns of Usaquén, Usme, Kennedy, Fontibón, Engativá, Suba, Barrios Unidos, Ciudad Bolívar and Santa Fe.

Urban gardens, a mechanism for citizen participation to green Bogotá

In this same line 2,323 urban gardens have been strengthened with delivery of plant material, supplies and substrate, among others, and technical assistance, technically assisted to 6,721 people and trained 4,134 participants in training processes in urban and peri-urban agriculture.

In parallel, a strategy has been implemented for social agreement around the solution of highly critical environmental conflicts, with progress of 75% represented in the formation of 48 networks of caregivers of the environment.

In the following video you will be able to know details of the first network of urban farmers that was formed in the town of Tunjuelito:

Likewise, 9 “Replantando Confianza” sessions have been held, through which the social fabric is strengthened and the construction of environmental citizenship for decision-making is promoted, the adoption of best practices and collaborative work around the trees and green covers of the city.

Today, amid the health emergency, 91,510 people have been reached through culture, participation and education strategies implemented in digital channels.

Advances in science

In scientific matters, the processes of research, conservation, restoration and sustainable use of flora and ecosystems of environmental interest stand out, with advances in determining the potential of CO2-retaining species and ecological connectivity in corridors of the Capital District through of the analysis of bioindicators and interaction networks.

The Garden has also been restoring Pilot Areas such as Bosque Las Mercedes, in the Thomas van der Hammen Reserve, and Mochuelo Bajo.

In the same way, it is preparing for the start-up of the new Tropicario, which has 70 families, 240 species and 675 plant individuals and which will be the representative space of species from all over the country, with specialized collections, divided into useful plants, dry forest and Tropical moist forest.

Likewise, it works on scientific research related to the flora and fauna of the city and recent discoveries have been made such as the following:

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