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Advance: they launch a technology for corn and wheat that allows replacing 200 kilograms of fertilizer per hectare



Recover SRL advanced its next launch for 2021. It is a new technology that, both in wheat and corn, manages to replace 200 kilograms of traditional fertilizers, whether nitrogenous or phosphorous, for 75 kilograms of Microfusion: “Not only is it 3 times more efficient, but it also provides more and better nutrients, along with the seed and with a lower cost of implementation and logistics”, they highlight.

MicroFusión: contribution to agriculture

Recover highlights to Microfusion as an important innovation for Argentine agriculture: “The most important in crop nutrition in 50 years”.

1- Why is microfusion so innovative?

To explain it in a simple way, it is the fusion of 2 very innovative technologies in the fertilizer market:

First technology: MICROCANPHOS CORN – GRADE 10N + 41 P2O5 + 10 SO4 +2 Zn + 2 SHA.

Recuperar began in 2015 to manufacture nano fertilizers, in this case called Microcanphos:

  • 1.- With a granule diameter of 1 to 1.5 mm, not phytotoxic. It means that it can be applied on or below the Seed, in what is known as applying it on the line, without Producing Phytotoxicity, without damaging or killing the Seed.
  • 2.- Highly Efficient, with a use of Nutrients greater than 90%, not affecting the PH of the Soil and being on the Sowing line, it does not lose Efficiency in Germination, having around the Seed in the Micro Granules, a variety of Nuetrientes in the Right doses, that considerably diminish the effort of the Roots in finding the Nutrients.
  • 3.- For this to happen, in addition to the NON-PHYTOTOXICITY, the P, S, and Zn, are bone chelated protected, so that the PH does not block them in the soil and are available.
  • 4.- 4 TIMES LESS THAN DOSES, 4 TIMES LESS OF LOGISTICS, THE FERTILIZERS ARE CHARGED 4 TIMES LESS, are the consequent losses of Time, Expenses and Fuels.

Second technology: N 30 – GRADE N 30 – 2 S – 2.5 Ca:

In 2017, the company began manufacturing N 30, which is slow-release nitrogen: “It is in a conventional granulate of 2 to 4 mm, which consists of the development of a clay that has a high cation exchange capacity, which is loaded with Nitrogen, Sulfur and Calcium “.

  • 1.- Provides a stable supply of nitrogen throughout the Crop cycle, implanted on the Side of the line.
  • 2.- It avoids or considerably reduces Losses by Leaching and Evaporization.
  • 3.- Improves Root Formation, having Lower Phytotoxicity than Conventional Nitrogenates.
  • 4.- Reduces the Conventional Doses to 50%, reducing the amounts applied and the implantation work. Reducing Costs and Time.

“Although with these 2 innovations we were pioneers in the Argentine and Mercosur markets, the biggest drawback was that we needed a planter with 2 fertilization bins. One loaded Microgranulate and the other conventional granulate, requiring a higher graduation of the seeder”, they add. That is to say, that the agronomic results have been highly satisfactory for the producers, who were basically seeking to improve the nutritional recipes that they had been applying, seeking not only higher yields, but also lower costs per planted hectare: “All very satisfied, but they suggested that the ideal was for everything to be Micro “.

See also: Nutritional cloud and nanoparticles: how the fertilizer designed for seed works that maximizes the contact surface

In this sense, the great challenge was to achieve non-toxicity in the doses of N applied to the seed, since the N 30 was applied to the side of the seed.

In addition, one of the great challenges was to avoid greater losses due to volatilization or leaching, since the products are sold from Mato Groso in Brazil, to Bahía Blanca, going through high temperatures in summer or rainfall regimes greater than 2000 mm per year.

It should be noted that the innovations not only take years of research, development of suitable processes for the treatment of each element, development of adequate equipment, simulation of operation, but also require facing their construction (search for more efficient materials), equipment available in the market, consulting engineering companies abroad and developing mini-scale equipment to test its operation.

This important process involved professionals of the most diverse specialization. Simultaneously, trials were first conducted in microplots. Then, associate or friend producer scale tests were carried out, who are permanently accompanied by agronomist engineers or factory personnel, who intervene according to the theme in question. Subsequently, trials are carried out in different regions, making dose adjustments and couting or binders that improve runoff, application and storage of fertilizers.

All this experience, which is the result of years of preparation, new process records, product records in different markets, has made Recover the most complete company in Argentina for being:

  • The first to granulate minerals for agriculture in Córdoba
  • The first at the regional level to produce micro fertilizers
  • The first to produce organic mineral granules
  • First to produce gradual release nitrogen
  • The first chemical mixture factory

Under this framework, the third technology that arises from this entire process is the fusion of the first and second: MICOFUSION TYM (WHEAT AND CORN) – GRADE: 23 N – 14 PSO5 – 8 SO4 – 1 Zn – 2 Ca – 2 SHA

“In 2021 we have the immense satisfaction of being the first in Latin America and possibly in various parts of the world, to produce nanofusion (micro-granulated chemical mixture), which in doses of 75 kilograms per hectare manages to replace 100 kilograms of mono ammonia or Chinese phosphorous mixtures + 100 kilograms of traditional urea “. “Everything in a single implantation dose in a single fertilizer box and in the planting line”, they highlight.

This product requires almost 3 times less doses than traditional ones.


  • 1.- For both wheat and corn, avoid the stacking of the urea before broadcasting.
  • 2.- It makes possible the use of traditional seeders with a single seeder box, both in its regulation as they are normal doses, for example 75 kilograms / Ha. Easier loading and 3 times lower doses than conventional fertilizers.
  • 3.- As it is not phytotoxic, these doses can be placed in the planting line.
  • 4.- It has the same Advantages of MicroCanphos by generating a nutritional cloud, more complete throughout the entire crop cycle.
  • 5.- This entails greater root development, in the first stages, which allows it to better withstand water stress.
  • 6.- Provides protected and chelated nutrients, which increase the use or efficiency of the same elements, by more than 90%. With the advantage that these processes act independently of the pH of the soil, be it acidic or alkaline.
  • 7.- It allows the producer, according to the rainfall during the crop cycle, to rationalize or improve the decision to re-fertilize with Nitrogen in periods in tillering or V6, since it provides Nitrogen with gradual release, seeking a horizon of higher yields.
  • 8.- 75 Kgs / Ha to the line in a single application, against a minimum of 200 kilograms of a double application, entails a significant reduction in fuel, logistics and fertilization service.
  • 9.- Efficiency is achieved with the sum of small savings and avoiding large wastage of nutrients, because it is on the side of the line, the Ph of the soils and the management of fertilization.

“For all this important effort, we are grateful to all the Recuperar staff, with the assurance that we make an important contribution to maintaining Argentina as the forerunners in efficient planting, in the preservation of soil resources and the health of crops. “, they conclude.

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