The facilities of the Adult Education Conference in Austria (KEBÖ) will receive better financial resources from the federal government in the future as part of the so-called 15a (federal-state) agreement. The funding contracts for the KEBÖ associations – including church adult education institutions – will increase by seven percent to a total of around 6.8 million euros per year for 2024 and 2025, as the Lower Austrian state government announced in a press release.
“This measure will financially secure the work of the associations and thus lay the foundation for the extensive, diverse and low-threshold adult education offering in Austria,” emphasized Education Minister Martin Polaschek (ÖVP). On Thursday, the minister and Lower Austrian Governor Johanna Mikl-Leitner (ÖVP) informed about the increase in funding for the so-called “15a agreement on adult education” in St. Pölten. “A total of 172.8 million euros will be available across Austria over the next five years,” said Polaschek.
Polaschek also highlighted the wide range of adult education offerings in Austria and particularly acknowledged the role of the KEBÖ (Austrian Adult Education Conference), which was founded in 1972 as a mouthpiece for the concerns and interests of Austrian adult education. “With its ten KEBÖ associations and a total of 6,200 locations that hold around 235,000 events annually with over four million participants, the KEBÖ is enormously important,” says Polaschek.
The KEBÖ chairman Bernd Wachter thanked the new edition of the 15a agreement in the area of basic education and compulsory school leaving certificates. “It is obvious that this is an urgent issue for society as a whole and economically. Significantly more resources are now available. The remaining processing issues are currently being clarified in a strategy group specified in the law. We at KEBÖ are hoping for practical solutions framework conditions,” said Wachter. Wachter was very pleased with the funding agreement with the KEBÖ associations.
Those: kathpress
2024-02-03 00:29:38
#Adult #education #conference #receives #money