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Adult education centers strive for better education …

(Bonn) – Adult education centers in Germany continue their successful talentCAMPus holiday education program for another five years. The German Association for Adult Education has now received funding approval from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for this.

The federal program “Culture Makes You Strong. Alliances for Education” has a total of 25 million euros available for talentCAMPus until the end of 2027. The holiday education projects that the adult education centers organize together their local alliance partners support children and young people in developing their creative potential, acquiring new learning experiences and overcoming educational barriers.

DVV President Martin Rabanus sees the continuation of the federal program “Culture Makes You Strong. Alliances for Education” as an important contribution to more equal opportunities for young people in situations of risk. “With this program, the federal government recognizes that cultural education can foster skills and competences to perceive the world with cultural-creative means and to shape the future in a different and new way. That the program is aimed specifically at children and young people. encountering educational barriers, increases its importance for social cohesion and places important signals of educational policy “, underlines Martin Rabanus.

The talentCAMPus is aimed at children and young people between the ages of six and 18. In holiday education projects lasting one or more weeks, participants learn to approach their experiences and environment creatively and to express their thoughts and ideas. They write lyrics, develop plays or dance choreographies, design collages or graffiti, make films or record podcasts. At the same time, talentCAMPus also strengthens key competences such as digital and media skills, communication, teamwork and conflict management in a constructive way.

Since its inception in 2013, adult education centers have been involved in the federal program “Culture Makes You Strong. Alliances for Education”. With nearly 5,000 holiday education projects, they have since reached more than 100,000 young people from Flensburg to Garmisch-Partenkirchen and from Aachen to Görlitz. “The stable alliances of different actors have emerged in many places. This is a huge enrichment of the local educational landscape”, summarizes the president of the DVV.

After the official approval by the BMBF, the DVV will shortly publish the funding call for talentCAMPus www.talentcampus.de to publish. From then on, applications for 2023 can be submitted.

Source and contact address:
German Association for Adult Education (DVV) Simone Kaucher, Press Spokesperson Königswinterer Str. 552 b, 53227 Bonn Phone: (0228) 975690, Fax: (0228) 9756930


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