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Adrien Brody’s Missed Opportunity: The Actor Who Turned Down a Role in ‘The Lord of the Rings’ Trilogy

We already knew that Uma Thurman declined to play Éowyn and Sean Connery to Gandalf. But, which actor refused to get into the shoes of one of the beloved hobbits? We’ll give you a clue: he worked with Peter Jackson on ‘King Kong’.

After 20 years of watching Vigo Mortense playing Aragorn, Elijah Wood as Frodo or Ian McKellen as Gandalf, we cannot imagine other actors in these roles. However, some of Hollywood’s biggest stars turned down a character in Peter Jackson’s famous trilogy. We already knew the case of Uma Thurman who declined the role of Éowyn or that of Sean Connery who recognized that the role of the well-known magician was not for him; but there is another well-known actor who could have played one of the hobbits.

Adrien Brody almost entered Middle Earth! Yes, as you read. The American actor told GQ in an interview that he had turned down a role in The Fellowship of the Ring, the first part of the successful Lord of the Rings film trilogy. “I did not accept the offer,” declares the interpreter. The offer did not fit the well-known actor with his plans, since “at that time he was looking for something else.” And he adds:

I don’t know what my character would have been precisely, but he was a hobbit

If he had accepted, Brody has acknowledged that he would have gotten into the shoes of one of the beloved hobbits. Of course, he doesn’t know exactly which one. Frodo? Sam? Pippin? Merry? Or Bilbo Bolson himself? The truth is that we cannot imagine the actor from The French Chronicle in any of these characters.

One thing is clear. Brody immediately regretted his choice when he went to the movies to see Jackson’s classic on the big screen. “I remember seeing the movie in a theater with an ex-girlfriend,” he says. “He turned to me and said, ‘You refused to do The Lord of the Rings?!’ I felt so stupid,” concludes the actor who played Salvador Dalí in Midnight in Paris.

This missed date with Middle-earth was certainly a blessing in disguise for Brody. Shortly after, the American won the Oscar for Best Actor for his role in The Pianist and, as icing on the cake, he finally collaborated with Jackson in King Kong. In his own words, he probably would never have faced the mythical gorilla if he had been in The Lord of the Rings.

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2023-12-13 20:04:35
#Lord #Rings #star #regretted #turning #role #trilogy #entire #career

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