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Adrian Hofmann: A Fresh Perspective for Münstertal’s New Mayor

Münstertal will elect a new mayor on October 22nd. The Badische Zeitung accompanies the four candidates at official election campaign events. Today: Adrian Hofmann at the Belchen inn in the Wasen district.

Adrian Hofmann opened his election campaign event in front of almost 20 visitors that he stands for a “fresh breath” in the administration. He has never been a civil servant, he has never worked in the public service, but he brings with him knowledge of work and leadership from the private sector. The 27-year-old has lived in Münstertal for a long time and called it his “home community”. Now he wants to show commitment here: “Don’t duck, don’t complain. Be a doer.” His young age was not a handicap, he said; Young mayors were also elected in Badenweiler and Pfaffenweiler.

He quickly entered into a dialogue with the audience at the Belchen Inn. He was asked how he assessed wind power. What the administration and the local council have decided in the past few months is correct. He regretted that the extensive debates about wind power had pushed other, much more important issues that were close to his heart into the background: child care and schools, youth work, solutions for the establishment of businesses, water supply, housing construction.

As the new mayor, he would not change anything about the wind power projects that have now started on the Hörnle and with Ehrenkirchen and Forst BW. In addition to wind power, hydropower and solar energy are important to him, the latter on all community-owned houses.

A question about the pavilion behind the Abbot Columban School led him to the topic that was most important to him, as he said: education and schools. The pavilion, in which even more items from clubs were now stored, should be torn down. The entire area behind the school needs to be upgraded with a new building for the elementary school and kindergarten. When the kindergarten children move from the upper floor of the Belchenhalle after its completion, there will be space for the clubs there. He also wants to reintroduce the school districts and thus upgrade the Spielweg and Stohren schools. And he would not have agreed to a cooperation with the Johanniterschule in Heitersheim and instead found a solution within the community: only maintaining the primary school and thus freeing up space for a kindergarten.

Among many other topics, Hofmann was also asked about the construction of the new accommodation on Belchenstrasse (in collaboration between the municipality and the district). During his door-to-door conversations he often heard: Why, if we want to build, do we have to wait a long time and endure bureaucracy, and when the district builds, everything happens very quickly? Hofmann saw a fundamental problem in Münstertal: many citizens felt uninvolved and uninformed about what was going on in the community. And they have many suggestions on how Münstertal could be made even more beautiful and attractive. As mayor, he will stand for a new type of support and cooperation and communicate a lot in all decisions. Young and committed, he confidently promised that he would make a big difference in the community in the next eight years and beyond.

2023-10-10 20:05:52
#space #education #schools

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