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Adolescent Mental Health

In the 1 p.m. news:

France is decarbonizing, new drop in greenhouse gas emissions

– reactions around the alleged murderer of Philippine, targeted by an OQTF

– the cinema column by Alexis Demeyer: nice surprise for “Live, die, be reborn” by Gaël Morin, a favorite for “Viet and Nam” by Truong Minh Quy and a big disappointment for “Weekend in Taipei”an action film produced by Luc Besson.

Adolescent mental health: young people increasingly anxious

The mental health of adolescents has deteriorated significantly in recent years. In November 2022, an Ipsos survey of 1,000 French teenagers told us that one in two said they suffered from symptoms of anxiety or depression. 17% of these teenagers said they were overwhelmed by suicidal thoughts. What solutions are there to deal with this malaise? We talk about it with the doctor Vincent Trebossendoctor, child and adolescent psychiatrist at the Robert Debré hospital in Paris.

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