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Administration inefficiency condemned US achievements against pandemic – Xinhua English.news.cn

NEW YORK, October 29 (Xinhua) – According to an article on the website of the US think tank Niskanen Center, the US response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which involved two administrations and three different congresses, presents a record crisis management which includes significant achievements and astounding successes, as well as a long and grim series of missteps and failures.

“The overall US response to the pandemic must be seen as a shocking and disheartening failure,” the article states, noting that in May 2022 the number of confirmed deaths in that country exceeded one million and that “the six-figure annual death. the toll now looks likely for the foreseeable future.

The cumulative death rate from COVID in the United States as of Aug.31, 2022 (310 deaths per 100,000 people) was the highest among all advanced democracies, the article states.

Two main reasons explain why COVID-19 was far more lethal in the United States than in most comparable countries, he specifies. First, the US authorities have proved unable to set up and carry out tests on a sufficient scale, i.e. to allow for effective public health screening, as well as contact tracing and coordination and support for the isolation of sick people and exposed.

“The second reason is that, despite developing the two most effective vaccines and taking a substantial lead over most countries in the world in vaccine distribution, the United States ended up getting significantly lower vaccination rates than other advanced countries. “, adds the article. end

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