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Adjustment variable of a hospital in pain, nursing students in pain

It started with little nasty details. Hellos that remain unanswered. Then come the hurtful words. From “Shut up, he doesn’t give a damn about what you say”, when the 27-year-old student wants to explain to a patient the care she is about to give him. From “You are vicious”, when she asks to attend a survey on a young man who has had a motorcycle accident. Is the patient screaming in pain? He is offered to “Let off steam on the trainee”.

During her last internship as part of her training at the Nursing Training Institute (IFSI), in the orthopedic department of a hospital, Raphaëlle Jean-Louis lived “Ten weeks of hell”. “I almost gave up, just four months from the end of my course. “ She clenched her teeth. Gets her nursing diploma. And witness, as a professional, the same scenes of mistreatment of nursing students.

She decides to put down on paper all the humiliations and bullying she suffered and observed. Published in 2018 by Michalon, Diploma awarded. Free speech of a nursing student is out of stock on its first day of publication and will soon be adapted on the big screen. The main character is a student caught in the gap between her idealized representation of the profession and the reality on the ground: a summary in which many young nurses could identify.

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IFSI studies are among the most popular on Parcoursup: it is the training that arouses the greatest number of wishes among high school students. This year, just over 30,000 young people entered the first year of nursing training. But while the profession is in tension, with an increase in vacancies, some give up on the way.

“Orientation problems”

How many are they ? At the end of October, the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, mentioned a deficit of 1,300 nursing students who have abandoned their studies in progress, and who should have graduated in 2021 … The latest surveys carried out by the Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics Department, available online (2018 and 2019 editions), show that, between the first and second year of study, the number of students the same promotion fell by 1,800, or 6%.

“The number of dropouts is not recorded precisely. But what goes back on the side of school directors is that there would be more of them than before ”, advance cautiously Michèle Appelshaeuser, president of the Committee of agreement of training nurses and executives (Cefiec), which is currently carrying out an investigation on the subject. The National Federation of Nursing Students (Fnesi) is also surprised by this figure, which would be underestimated: the association estimates the dropout rate of students at “10% per year”, according to Mathilde Padilla, president of Fnesi.

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