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Adiwarman Karim is the Komut and TGB is the Deputy Commissioner of BSI

ILLUSTRATION. The results of the EGMS of BRIS Adiwarman Karim and Pour Guru Bajang (TGB) became the commissioners and deputy commissioners of PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk.

Reporter: Titis Nurdiana | Editor: Titis Nurdiana

KONTAN.CO.ID -JAKARTA. There are slight changes in the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk (BREEZE), this Tuesday, August 24, 2021.

The latest, is the inclusion of Adiwarman Karim’s name as the main commissioner in Indonesia BREEZE. Meanwhile, Tuan Guru Bajang (TGB) Muhammad Zainil Majdi or commonly called TGB became the deputy main commissioner at Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI).

“The meeting was quite tough until the decision was made,” said a KONTAN source, Tuesday (24/8). KONTAN previously received information that TGB was nominated to become the Komut of the largest Islamic bank in Indonesia.

Also Read: BRIS EGMS this Tuesday, Tuan Guru Bajang (TGB) is called BSI Komut, here’s his profile

To be sure, the position of deputy commissioner is considered a new organizational change in BREEZE. Because before, BREEZE does not have a deputy commissioner.

With this position, Adiwarman replaces Mulya E. Siregar’s position. Meanwhile, TGB occupies the position of deputy governor at BSI.

Apart from Mulya who is no longer in the commuting, the Independent Commissioner BREEZE Eko Suwardi is also no longer in BREEZE.

The Independent Commissioners resulting from the EGMS are held by Arif Rosyid, Bangun Kusmulyono, and Komaruddin Hidayat.

So who is Adiwarman Karim?

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Adiwarman is a member of the MUI National Sharia Council as well as the supervisory board of a number of sharia banks.

Adiwarman was recorded as a R&D staff at Bank Muamalat, after previously working as an employee at the National Development Planning Agency.

In 1998, Adiwarman led the Bandung branch of Bank Muamalat and rose to become Deputy Director of the Muamalat Institute until he decided to resign in 2001.

In 1999, he and approximately forty-five Indonesian Muslim figures and scholars founded The International Institute of Islamic Thought Indonesia. Then, in August 2001, he founded the sharia business consulting company Karim Consulting Indonesia and has fostered the birth of several sharia units in a number of banks in Indonesia.

Thus, the composition of the BRIS board of directors and commissioners as a result of the EGMS is as follows:


President Commissioner/Independent Commissioner : Adiwarman Azwar Karim
Deputy President Commissioner/Independent Commissioner: Muhammad Zainul Majdi
Commissioner : Suyanto
Commissioner : Masduki Baidlowi
Commissioner : Imam Budi Sarjito
Commissioner : Sutanto
Independent Commissioner : Bangun Sarwito Kusmulyono
Independent Commissioner : M. Arief Rosyid Hasan
Independent Commissioner : Komaruddin Hidayat


President Director: Hery Gunardi
Vice President 1: Ngatari
Deputy President Director 2: Abdullah Firman Wibowo
Director: Kusman Yandi
Director: Kokok Alun Akbar
Director: Anton Sykarna
Director: Achmad Syafii
Director: Tiwul Widyastuti
Compliance Director: Tribuana Tunggadewi
Director: Ade Cahyo Nugroho.

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