The State, through ADIF (the Railway Infrastructure Administrator) under the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, has the intention and the project to suppress another level crossing in the province of Ávila. In this case, it is the one located in the Dehesa de Pedrosillo, located in the municipality of Ávila. Specifically at kilometer 127/617 of the Madrid-Hendaya line (that is, according to the departure from Ávila to Arévalo and a few kilometers from the capital).
To make it possible, last month the Official State Gazette published the ADIF announcement by which it was submitted to public information for the purpose of declaring the need for occupation to make it a reality. In that official document, those affected by the aforementioned expropriations already appeared, they are two individuals, the Ávila City Council itself and also ADIF itself. In total, according to the document, the expropriation of almost 17,700 square meters will be definitively necessary.
Asked about this matter, the Railway Infrastructure Administrator does not give deadlines for the start of the works, but he does give those that the development of the project itself will entail, since every time the works begin there will be 16 months of work. It also has a budget to materialize the disappearance of this step and it exceeds one million euros, specifically it is 1,051,411.08 euros (+ VAT).
This work will be undertaken just a few months after completing the suppression of the Velayos level crossing, completed in November of last year and in which ADIF also invested more than one million euros. It consisted in the displacement of the crossing between the road and the railway and the construction of an overpass for vehicles.
They tell from ADIF that today in Avila lands there are “16 level crossings in service in the province of Ávila, being that of Dehesa del Pedrosillo the only one located in the municipal term of the capital.”
They also show that there is a Plan for the Suppression of Level Crossings 2017-2024, by which “it is acting and will act in those level crossings with more risk, as established by the regulations, that is, level crossings with an AxT greater than 1500 (AxT = Circulation Moment. It is the product between the number of trains and the number of vehicles that pass through a level crossing daily) »they point out.
This contract and that of Velayos therefore form part of the actions planned by Adif for the suppression and improvement of the protection of level crossings in the General Interest Railway Network in order to increase the safety conditions of transport infrastructures, both for road and rail traffic.
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