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Adie: Helping People Furthest from Employment Start Their Own Business

Adie is an association that helps people furthest from employment to set up their business. Example in Saint-Dizier.

Adie is an association that helps people furthest from employment to set up their business. Example in Saint-Dizier.

The Association for the right to economic initiative (Adie) is recognized as being of public utility. Its purpose is to finance the projects of business creators who do not have access to bank credit and more particularly those of job seekers and recipients of the RSA. The regional and Haut-Marnaise branch has just published its results. In 2022, Adie Grand-Est financed 1,358 people living in eastern France for a total amount of 6.55 million euros.

“It was very fast, I was on the verge of giving up everything”

In Haute-Marne, 30 companies were financed, 11 mobility credits allocated and 87 people looking for information, wishing to start their business were welcomed by Adie Haute-Marne. This is the case for Laëtitia David. This Bragarde benefited from a credit of 10,000 euros to perpetuate her activity as a psychotherapist-consultant. “They trusted me, it was really a breath of fresh air”, she explains. This former social worker from SOS Femmes accueil was granted a microcredit in a few months. “It was very fast, I was on the verge of giving up everything”, she confides.


At 41, his professional retraining has taken off since the beginning of the year. Thanks to the support of one of her colleagues, she was able to relaunch herself and create a sole proprietorship at the beginning of the year. “With the covid everything stopped, I almost stopped everything myself”, she continues. Having followed a NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) training in Paris, she went from five to fifteen people whom she follows regularly in her office. Initiative Haute-Marne has also supplemented its starting capital of 30,000 euros. This allowed him to fit out his practice and to supply his working capital.

It was during a stay at Pôle emploi that she was able to come into


Complete article in our edition of April 21 or on our Online Store !

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