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ADHD Linked to Evolutionary Advantage in Foraging for Food, Study Finds

ADHD Traits May Have Provided Evolutionary Advantage for Early Humans

ADHD Traits May Have Provided Evolutionary Advantage for Early Humans

ADHD Traits and Foraging

Traits commonly associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), such as distractibility and impulsivity, might have actually provided an evolutionary advantage for our ancestors when it came to foraging for food, according to researchers.

Understanding ADHD

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by symptoms such as impulsiveness, disorganization, and difficulty focusing. Diagnoses of ADHD have been increasing worldwide, including in the UK.

Positive Aspects of ADHD Traits

In a new study, researchers suggest that while certain ADHD traits are often viewed negatively, they might have aided early humans in finding new patches for foraging.

Dr. David Barack from the University of Pennsylvania, the first author of the research, explains that the study provides an initial perspective on why ADHD is more prevalent than what could be attributed to random genetic mutations alone. He states that traits like distractibility and impulsivity might have provided advantages in certain choice contexts.

Study Methodology and Results

The researchers conducted an online foraging game, involving 457 adults, where the participants had to collect as many berries as possible. The researchers found that participants with higher scores on the ADHD scale spent less time in each patch of bushes and were more likely to seek new patches in pursuit of more berries. Importantly, these participants accumulated more points in the game compared to those with lower ADHD scale scores.

Although the study had limitations, including ADHD-like symptoms being self-reported, the results align with other research suggesting that populations with nomadic lifestyles, which would have benefited from exploration, tend to have genes associated with ADHD.

Implications and Further Research

Further experimental research is necessary to involve individuals diagnosed with ADHD and real-world foraging tasks as these would involve a significant amount of effort to move between patches, unlike in an online game scenario. However, the findings suggest that ADHD, despite its challenges, offers advantages in situations where fast and dynamic decision-making, as well as physical activity, are highly valued.


While ADHD as a disorder can pose challenges in today’s environments, research indicates that these traits may have provided an evolutionary advantage for our ancestors. Understanding the potential benefits of ADHD traits in certain contexts deepens our insights into human evolution and the interplay between genetics and behavior.

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