Home » today » Entertainment » Adele did a live on Instagram, and there was a question about Kingê Rusin. Remember a Polish journalist from Beyonce and Jay Z’s afterparty?

Adele did a live on Instagram, and there was a question about Kingê Rusin. Remember a Polish journalist from Beyonce and Jay Z’s afterparty?

Adele for some time she withdrew from show business and focused on her private life. The artist became famous due to her unusual metamorphosis. Star announced a new single and threw herself into work. She spontaneously organized a live during which a surprising question arose about Kinga Rusinshe met at a private afterparty at Beyonce i Jaya Zwhere all the cream of Hollywood had fun. The singer remembered her?

Look: Kinga Rusin had fun with the biggest stars at a party at Beyonce’s. She showed a picture of Adele

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Adele asked about Kinga Rusin while live on Instagram

Memorable post Kinga Rusin, in which she revealed the backstage of what happened during a private party with Beyonce and Jay Z, echoed widely. The journalist took a souvenir photo with the British star and was delighted with her new appearance, after dropping 30 kilograms. Kinga Rusin described exactly who she met during the event after the Oscars. She was even going to outshine Beyoncé and conquer the dance floor with her husband, or Leonardo Dicaprio.

More than a year has passed since this memorable event. It seems that one of the fans decided to recall this party to Adele herself. Wondering if the singer still remembers the conversation with the Polish journalist, he asked live:

Do you know Kinga Rusin? – we read.

Adele asked about Kinga Rusin while live on InstagramAdele asked about Kinga Rusin while live on Instagram Fot. Instagram / adele

Adele unfortunately did not answer the question. Instead, you could get a glimpse of what her living room looks like. There are big ones in the room windows, wooden furniture and long curtains. The living room is decorated in light beige colors.

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Do you think Hollywood still remembers Kingga Rusin? More information about the stars can be found at Gazeta.pl

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