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Adel Al-Saadoun .. Dragon meteors will appear tomorrow in the sky of Kuwait

Kuwaiti astronomer Adel Al-Saadoun said that the (Dragon meteor) showers will be seen tomorrow, Wednesday, in the sky of Kuwait and the world in the North of the Earth

Meteor dragon

Al-Saadoun added in a press statement today, Monday, that the “dragon meteorites” will start entering Kuwait’s airspace from tomorrow until October 10, while the peak of their number will be the day after tomorrow, Wednesday.

He pointed out that the number of meteors that will enter the atmosphere of Kuwait this year is few and varied compared to 2011, amounting to 600 meteors per hour, explaining that its name (Dragon Meteor) is due to its appearance in the sky by the Dragon Star Group, and these meteorites are very small dust. And rocks left behind by comet Giacobene – Zenner, which approaches the sun every 6 years and 4 months, when it approaches the sun and goes away, leaves behind it along its orbit are dust, rocks, water vapor and other gases.

Al-Saadoun added that when the Earth is approaching during its annual rotation around the sun, these remnants attract it and enter the Earth’s atmosphere at a speed of 20 kilometers per second, and it melts and burns about 80 kilometers from the surface of the Earth, not reaching the level of the planes’ altitude.

It is noticeable that what is seen from the combustion of meteors in the sky is the combustion of an amount of dust equal to a handful of hands filled with sand, after it enters the Earth’s atmosphere and is compressed by the action of the air, and the temperature rises and reaches the melting point and burns and evaporates this dust.

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