Home » today » News » Ade Yasin Bribes BPK Examiner for Bogor Regency Government to Get WTP Opinion Again

Ade Yasin Bribes BPK Examiner for Bogor Regency Government to Get WTP Opinion Again


KPK appoints Bogor Regent Ade Yasin | (AY) as a suspect in the bribery case in managing the financial statements of the Regency Government for the 2021 fiscal year. Ade Yasin is suspected of taking bribes to achieve an unqualified status (WTP).

KPK chairman Firli Bahuri explained the construction of the bribery case that ensnared Ade Yasin. Firli said it was suspected that Ade Yasin had bribed to get WTP.

“AY as the Regent of Bogor Regency for the period 2018 to 2023 wants the Bogor Regency Government to get the WTP title for the 2021 FY from the West Java Representative BPK,” said Firlu, at a press conference, Thursday (28/4/2022) early in the morning.

Firli explained that at Ade Yasin’s wish, the West Java Representative BPK assigned an Examining Team to audit the interim or preliminary examination of the Regional Government Financial Report (LKPD) for the 2021 FY of the Bogor Regency Government.

The team that was sent down by the West Java BPK Representative included the Head of the West Java Sub-auditorate III Anthon Merdiansyah (ATM), the Head of the Bogor District Interim Audit Team Arko Mulawan (AM), the West Java Representative BPK employee Hendra Nur Rahmatullah Karwita (HNRK), the West Java Representative BPK employee Gerri Ginajar Trie Rahmatullah (GGTR), and Winda Rizmayani.

The team was assigned to audit all project implementation, including the Bogor Regency PUPR Service.

“Around January 2022, it is suspected that there was an agreement to give some money between HNRK and Ihsan Ayatullah and Maulana Adam with the aim of conditioning the composition of the interim audit team,” said Firli.

Ihsan is the Head of the Regional Treasury for the Bogor Regency BPKAD, while Maulana is the Secretary of the PUPR Office of the Bogor Regency. Ade Yasin then received a report from Ihsan in which the Bogor Regency Government’s financial reports were poor. And, if an audit of the West Java representative BPK is carried out, it will result in a disclaimer of opinion.

“Furthermore, AY responded by saying ‘we are trying to get WTP'” said Firli.

Furthermore, Ihsan and Maulana allegedly gave Rp. 100 million in cash to Anthon as the Head of the West Java III Auditorate Sub-dept. The transaction was carried out in the Bandung area.

“Anthon then conditioned the composition of the Team according to IA’s request where later the audit object was only for certain SKPD. The audit process was carried out from February 2022 to April 2022 with recommendations including that the follow-up to the 2020 recommendations had been implemented and the financial statement audit program did not touch an area that influences opinion,” said Firli.

Furthermore, another fact was revealed where the audit team and the PUPR Service, one of the projects to improve the Kandang Roda-Pakansari road with a project value of Rp. 94.6 billion, was allegedly not in accordance with the contract.

Firli also said that during the audit process it was suspected that there were several transactions made by Ade Yasin through Ihsan and Maulana.

“Among them are in the form of weekly money with a minimum amount of Rp. 10 million, up to a total of Rp. 1.9 billion during the examination,” he said.

(idn / dhn)

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