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Addressing Mobility: Plans for a Greenway and Bus Improvements

Tuesday evening, the elected members of the community council addressed the question of mobility. In particular via the file of the portion of the old railway line between Châlette-sur-Loing and Quiers-sur-Bezonde. Over these 23 kilometres, SNCF and intermunicipal authorities want to create a greenway: a track for pedestrians and cyclists instead of rails.

The Agglomeration then passed the second, Tuesday, by signing a management transfer agreement with the SNCF on this former Orléans-Les-Aubrais-Montargis link.

“Drop the idea of ​​a train link”

Bruno Nottin, elected communist from Montargis, rather wanted the assembly to turn around: “We are being asked to abandon the idea of ​​a train link, the reopening of an Orléans-Montargis link. not that I am hostile to greenways but we can do them elsewhere.” Before going further :

Is it normal that the department’s second living area is not connected by train to the prefecture?

“The opening of a greenway on this railway right-of-way guarantees us that the SNCF will thus stop selling pieces of wood on part of the section”, replied Frank Demaumont, left-wing mayor of Châlette, for whom the recourse of this cycle path can be used temporarily, pending commitments from the State and the Region on the development of the old railway lines.

“I think that this greenway in no way jeopardizes the future of the rail service to Montargis, on the contrary it protects it. Now we need to know what the State and the Region want to do together in terms of rail service” .

Buses that are too old?

In addition to the idea of ​​a potential return of the Montargis-Orléans train, the subject of the 30 buses of the Agglomeration was treated via the examination by the elected officials of the last report of the public service delegation of the public transport network with Keolis (Amelys).

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“Admittedly, the average age of the vehicle fleet has fallen slightly following the purchase of four new buses in 2022, but the situation remains worrying. Because the average age of 12 remains well above the average age of a fleet of vehicles on an urban network which should rather be 8.5 years. […] The Agglomeration should invest much more in public transport”, wishes to accelerate Bruno Nottin.

Benoit Digeon, LR vice-president in charge of mobility, tempers:

The efforts made by the Agglo, the four buses last year, the four buses this year and the four buses to come in other years, is a good sign to put the system back in place. There is still an old bus more than 20 years old but which will disappear during the course of the year. There is nothing to be overly concerned about.

As for Bruno Nottin’s proposal to make buses free for students, the unemployed and the elderly, elected officials have left the idea on the sidelines.

Accelerate on bikes

The elected representative of Montargis continued his remarks on the bicycles rented by the Agglo: “Contractually for the year 2022, the network was to have 200 bicycles. We are far from it because the rental fleet only has 135.

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“Given the demand, we will immediately re-acquire around thirty bikes this year. […] We will very quickly be up to 200 bikes, ”committed the president of the Agglo, Jean-Paul Billault. “Keolis/Amelys also has around thirty bicycles which are rented out for the day under its own organization,” added Benoit Digeon.

“One of the problems of our Agglo on the bike is the road network”, concluded Olivier Masson, another elected representative from Montargis, for whom the deployment of secure routes should also come second.

Sylvain Riollet

2023-06-29 15:23:00
#Politics #portion #OrléansMontargis #railway #line #trains #replaced #cyclists

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