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Addressing Antibiotic Misuse: Standardization and Better Information for Users

The researchers, Annelie Monnier and Heiman Wertheim, mapped antibiotic use in three Asian and three African countries and concluded that many people misuse these medicines.

People take the wrong antibiotics against an infection with a certain bacteria, use antibiotics against an infection that does not involve bacteria, or as a pain reliever for menstrual pain or muscle pain.

According to the researchers, who published their results in The Lancet Global Health, this is partly due to a lack of clarity about the name and appearance of products and packaging. “That is why we need to move towards standardization and better information for users,” says Monnier. “Consistent use of colors and symbols on pills can help.” Other options include logos and QR codes on the packaging; the QR code then refers to a website with information about the medicine. “Especially because in these countries there is often no information leaflet with medicines. “

With stickers that you stick on a medicine box, this is also easier and faster to implement than changes to the pills themselves, according to Monnier. “In Thailand and Bangladesh you can already pay with QR codes on the market, so they are already using this technology there.”

The fact that implementing such adjustments worldwide is an enormous, time-consuming operation should not be an obstacle, according to Wertheim. “Peanuts compared to the magnitude of the antibiotic resistance problem and the associated costs. It is achievable, look at the corona pandemic when we managed to get a lot done in a short period of time worldwide. That should also be possible for this silent pandemic of antibiotic resistance.”


The researchers are in talks with the authorities involved, such as regulators and drug manufacturers. That is a slow process, Wertheim knows. “Until recently they said: the only thing we can do is put a warning on the box. We think more is possible. As with so many things, clarity is key. As a result, people understand it better and they get more tools to use medicines correctly.”

2023-07-24 06:11:16
#Standardization #fight #antibiotic #resistance #Pharmaceutisch #Weekblad

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